State officials discuss possible changes to water rights in CA


Water, W. (2021, March 30). California weighs changes for new water rights permits in response to a warmer and drier climate. The Water Desk.


This source written on March 30, 2021 by The Water Desk evaluates the causes and effects for changing the Water Rights that people in California hold. It shares how the State Water Board needs and will continue to change and align the water rights as the climate grows drier and warmer and water amounts lessen. The main point of this article was to show that there is a chance that curtailments for water use permits will be reevaluated, therefore, “Some water users fear the report could be the beginning of a move to restrict their access”.


Water rights may be a privilege to some, however they do remain a human right to the people who obtain them. This means that they do have the right to access this water and these sources for whatever it may be that they use it for. Thousands and thousands of people rely on this water in order to make a living or to eat or have drinking water, and this article to these water rights holders is most likely very worrisome. The fact that one of their personal rights may be stripped from them is a huge step and really shows that we as Californians must be going down a bad path. The fact that there is no other option than to take away one’s rights in order to help and save our environment is crazy and scary to many. This whole article ties into environmental science because it shows us the effects of not managing or conserving our natural resources well enough. It is extremely difficult if not impossible to reverse the damage that is already done, and we only have one earth. If we use up all of our water or too much of it, we are hurting wildlife ecosystems and species, and we will end up hurting our human selves by not having drinking water or water to grow crops. 

3 thoughts on “State officials discuss possible changes to water rights in CA

  1. Carolyn- this article is really interesting to me. Water rights are a legal mess… and absolutely need to change. For example, we can no longer allow Nestle to bottle water in CA and export it to the world… or people to grow thirsty cotton in the desert of S. CA… but what if they have rights to it. You mention “human rights” to water. I agree people should have access to clean water (air, space, etc). But do you think there is a distinction between rights to quantities of water to irrigate or run your business and water for personal survival. (ie- human rights v. legal rights)? I can imagine water users are nervous. It is a finite resource… and often a common one… and the drought continues on.

  2. I agree with your stance on water rights and how they may be infringed upon and wonder if we will ever leave the constant drought we have been in. If we did get water rights stripped, do you believe they would ever return to normal?

    • Thank you for your comment! I sure hope that they will return to normal because this means that hopefully we will be out of the drought or have made great progress on this issue.

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