We Are Running Out of Time

Dino Grandoni, Brady Dennis. “Biden Aims for SWEEPING Climate Action as Infrastructure, Budget Bills Advance.” The Washington Post, WP Company, 11 Aug. 2021, 1:47 pm EDT, www.washingtonpost.com/climate-environment/2021/08/10/biden-climate-congress/.

In this article, we see the political view of climate change and the $3.5 trillion budget bill. The point of the budget bill is to cut emissions that are created by burning fossil fuels and human activities. Biden’s goal is to cut 50% of emissions by the end of this decade. But if Biden were to succeed this number the rest of the world would have to contribute to see change, the United States only accounts for one-seventh of the world’s greenhouse emissions, largely China would have to take part to reduce the numbers. The European Union already agreed to block 55% by 2030, but China, India, Russia, and other nations will proceed remains unlikely.

It feels like we are running out of time to take action, every day is one day we lose if we continue to do nothing about our climate. It might not affect us now but in the future, for our future generation, it will harm them and species all over the world. It’s great to see Biden care for our future and more people every day do small contributes to reducing climate change, but to see a change in our climate not only that one person in the group has to change (United States) but the whole group (the rest of the world).


3 thoughts on “We Are Running Out of Time

  1. I agree with your feeling of “running out of time to take action” with lots of environmental situations. I also find this interesting because I was unaware of this issue until now. It almost makes this issue feel more personal, since it is happening so close to where we live. What regulations do you think should be in place to fix this?

  2. I agree that a holistic worldwide approach would be undeniably the most effective way to combat climate change. What do you think will be necessary to bring other countries to the table?

  3. I agree with your points mentioned because we are able to help, but if we truly want change, there has to be cooperation throughout the world. Do you think that if either China or Russia joined the initiative to cut emissions that the rest of the world would follow?

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