Safe Havens for Coral Reefs

Wong, C. (2022, February 1). Safe havens for coral reefs will disappear with 2°C of global warming. New Scientist. Retrieved February 3, 2022, from 

Throughout climate change, coral reefs have experienced many mass bleaching events. However, it is now suspected that if the global temperatures rise by 2 degrees celsius, all corals will become extinct. This research is proving that coral reefs are more at risk than they were thought to be. Bleaching is when corals get rid of the colorful algae which are nutrients for them, which leaves the coral to die. The world is on track to exceed a 2 degree increase in temperature by the end of the century, meaning the coral reefs will most likely die out. If people do not work to conserve coral reefs, ocean life will be changed forever. 

I found this article very sad to read. It was shocking how soon coral reefs are predicted to go extinct and all because of human impacts on the earth. I think that people need to own up to what human impact is doing, and start finding ways to reduce climate change. If people work together, I think we can change the path of climate change, but it will take a lot of work and time.

3 thoughts on “Safe Havens for Coral Reefs

  1. I agree that this article is disheartening, however I hope that it empowers people to help our coral reefs. How does bleaching occur?

    • I totally agree. Bleeching is a process that occurs when coral reefs experience major changes in environmental conditions and they react.

  2. Its too bad to hear about these coral reefs. What do you think the best first step would be to prevent the extinction of these ecosystems?

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