Ecotourism Factoring into People’s Travel Plans in 2022

The article explains data drawn from a report of the Ecotourism Market. The report splits the Ecotourism market into types and applications in order to thoroughly and comprehensively investigate and identify market characteristics and opportunities. Ecotourism is a type of tourism that involves visiting fragile, pristine, and largely undisturbed natural regions, with the goal of becoming a low-impact, small-scale alternative to traditional commercial mass tourism. In the article it explains the ecotourism market is studied for international outbound travel only.


Many economic benefits stem from ecotourism and the Ecotourism market provides insight to why. As ecotourism is seen on a broader scale in the market it will provide other opportunities and economic benefits. One example is staff that work at ecotourism sites are given the opportunity to obtain training in skills that can be transferred to other fields of employment, as well as nutrition when they are provided with meals at work.

6 thoughts on “Ecotourism Factoring into People’s Travel Plans in 2022

  1. Ecotourism is a great way for countries, especially developing ones, to boost their economy. It also gives them an incentive to protect and conserve their local ecosystems. Yet, tourism also attracts large carbon footprints; planes, cars, boats, etc. More resources and energy also end up being consumed by the tourism industry. I wonder how largely popular eco tourist attractions can still remain “pristine” or “largely undisturbed” despite all the human activity in the area.

    • Thank you for your comment. I think you definitely bring up a good counter to what ecotourism might do. It might be hard for places to limit their travel to their own destination and all they can do is make their area and hospitality as eco friendly as possible , but as an ecotourist the best thing to do is to look to areas where that might not be as many tourists.

  2. Though I agree that there are many positives to ecotourism I think it is also important to consider the emissions released through transportation. Encouraging people to visit locally or just when they happen to be in an area is a good way to help developing countries as well as protect ecosystems. But I don’t think that encouraging people to travel because of ecotourism is the best idea.

    • I definitely agree! Ecotourism has to do with finding eco friendly ways to travel. There’s usually always a better and more sustainable way to travel than you think. It’s up for people to try and get creative with their traveling.

  3. Very interesting! Adding on to what you said about ecotourism sites giving people opportunities to obtain training in other skills, one of my family members was working as a ski instructor in Banff, he was given training in many different areas that would allow him to do much more than just being a ski instructor. Do you think should be the norm for ecotourism sites?

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