River Pollution in Shropshire

BBC. (2022, January 15). River pollution: Shropshire water suppliers to be held to account. BBC News. Retrieved February 1, 2022, from https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-shropshire-60007443   

Shropshire is a town in England that’s facing the effects of water pollution. The council claims that the water companies will need to be held accountable for polluting their nearby rivers. One cause of this problem is that when it rains, combined sewage overflows directly into rivers because it has nowhere to go. Another reason this continues is because the town needs to put more money into their wastewater treatment system, which is a big factor that’s still being discussed. Many citizens are worried for their health, and in addition, polluted rivers are harmful to the environment, biodiversity, and many ecosystems. 

It’s important that Shropshire is trying to fix this problem, hopefully along with many other towns in England due to the amount of rain over the recent winter. Town citizens are doing the right thing by speaking up about this issue, and I think it’s great how the majority of council has acknowledged that this needs to be fixed. Water companies should definitely pay for some of these consequences, because the damage that this polluted water can do in the future is substantial. 


4 thoughts on “River Pollution in Shropshire

  1. I agree with your point of view on this topic. It is extremely important that we make sure our water isn’t polluted. Do you think that more money should be dedicated to better wastewater systems? Or do you think that we should spend money elsewhere, like on renewable energy resources?

    • Thanks for the comment! I think that more money should definitely be dedicated to better wastewater systems, however it’s hard to say what environmental matter is more important to fund compared to renewable energy sources. I think maybe there’s a way to put some money into both.

  2. I thought this abstract was very interesting to read about. I like what you had to say about this topic, specifically when you mentioned the advantages of the townspeople speaking up about this issue. What would be the best way to create more media coverage on this matter?

    • Thanks for the comment! I think the best way to create more media coverage on this topic is just to inform people and continue speaking up about it. Discussions like this are what really lead to change, as well as posting news articles online.

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