Turning against fracking

Hart, P. author B. P. (2022, February 3). Maplewood Township opposes PVSC fracked Gas Plant. Food & Water Watch. Retrieved February 1, 2022, from https://www.foodandwaterwatch.org/2022/02/03/maplewood-township-opposes-pvsc-fracked-gas-plant/  

Maplewood Township committee opposes plan to build a new fracked gas power plant in Newark. The decision was highly supported by citizens as fracking has many downsides such as potential to highly pollute nearby water and air, and also adds greenhouse gases to the atmosphere. Jennifer Nelson of SOMA Action speaks out about the need for a renewable energy source in Maplewood, in replacement of old ideas involving fossil fueled power plants. 

I’m glad to see that a lot of people are on the same page about not building any more gas plants that harm the environment. There’s only so much more oil and gas to be dug up from underground, and it’s really not something we should rely on. I think it’s great that leaders are proposing renewable energy sources that wouldn’t have the dangerous drawbacks that these fracking sites would’ve had. The risks that come along with the previous plan in Newark could’ve caused catastrophic damage to all of the water in the area due to the high likelihood of a storm, which would spill billions of gallons of oil and gas onto Earth’s surface. This type of water pollution could have lasting effects for hundreds of years, and it would really hurt us humans that depend on it. 


2 thoughts on “Turning against fracking

  1. I think that you bring up a lot of good points about the dangers of fracking and why they should be prevented. How do you think people can shift from fracking to more renewable energies in the future? What would you recommend rather than fracking?

    • Thanks for the comment! I think people may already be beginning to shift from fracking to more renewable energy sources especially in the future because the supply for fracking is so limited compared to renewable energy. Also citizens in areas such as Maplewood are being affected by the dangers of fracking, which makes them more likely to speak up against these harmful fuel sources. Other than fracking, I think one of the better alternatives is wind and solar which was mentioned in the article as well.

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