One-fourth of US infrastructure is at risk of floods. These 4 states are in the most peril.

Rice, D., & Tebor, C. (2021, October 11). One-fourth of US infrastructure is at risk of floods. these 4 states are in the most peril. USA Today. Retrieved February 7, 2022, from 

Flooding is becoming a growing issue in the United States. As of October 2021, 25% of the nation’s “critical” infrastructure is at flooding risk, and these numbers are estimated to continue growing. It is predicted in the next 30 years, 1.2 million more properties will become at risk of flooding, going from 12.4 million properties in 2021 to 13.6 million in 2051. Another issue with flooding is it is one of the most expensive natural disasters in the United States. 

This article shows how flooding will become more and more dangerous as time goes on because of climate change. Climate change has altered the temperature differently throughout the United States. In some areas, the higher temperatures have caused more flooding and rainfall because it causes a warmer atmosphere. The article states that millions of residents are at risk of flooding and do not know it. I wonder if the Bay Area is at flood risks or only some parts. It also states that making properties floodproof is expensive, such as rising houses on stilts or installing foundation vents. I wonder what options are the best cost-efficient way to make homes floodproof or if the best option is to not invest in property at risk of flooding. I found it interesting how a professor of economics at USC, Matthew Kahn explained how climate change risks would be the newest factor house buyers consider before purchasing a property. 

4 thoughts on “One-fourth of US infrastructure is at risk of floods. These 4 states are in the most peril.

  1. It is terrible that climate change has made flooding more dangerous, and it will only continue to get worse as time goes on. I am surprised that there are people living in places that are at risk of flooding, and they do not even know it. Which places are most at risk of flooding?

    • Hi, thanks for commenting! Louisiana, Florida, Kentucky, and West Virginia are the states that are most at risk of flooding. In these 4 states, there are 17 of the top 20 most at-risk counties in the United States.

  2. It is really scary how much flooding is increased, and how it is a direct threat to the Bay Area. How are law enforcers planning on anticipating and fixing this problem?

  3. Thanks for leaving a comment! There are many ways law enforcers can help mitigate flooding. They can design natural flood management, create dams, put houses on stilts and floodways.

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