The New Era of Composting

Lormon, John L, and Matthew L Abbot. “California Businesses Face New Organic Waste Mandates in 2022.” Procopio, Procopio, 30 Jan. 2022,

Organic waste collection regulation has now come into effect starting January 1, 2022, for local jurisdictions. Senate Bill 1383 will now require the department of recycling and the state air resource board to implement new strategies to reduce emissions that have relatively short lifetimes. The health and safety code will require state reduction for methane cutting it 40% below and landfill to cut by 75% from organic waste. Commercial businesses must now provide containers for their customers, employees, contractors, etc. to be provided with a waste bin conducting that compost be separated from regular waste. The regulation will have a permit for each local business to stay running and open monitored by jurisdiction. 

I didn’t know how much composting can reduce emissions by severity, I mean if individuals can just regularly selective and divide compost waste and regular waste from going into landfills and have such a great reduction it should be implied for everyone to do it not just local businesses. The statistics given in this article show how around America this has been regulated and is now being brought to California for local businesses to keep in mind how much severity they do by not composting and it being brought to landfills where it’s producing so much methane. 

2 thoughts on “The New Era of Composting

  1. It is hard for me to believe in composting. It has been a method I have seen throughout my life and never as a consistency. This legislature sounds promising, but how can you regulate where people throw away plastic bottles without someone standing at every trash can and recycling bin. I hope that this legislature will have an impact because I can see the benefits in recycling. In some ways, it might be more useful to look into ways to encourage recycling without just telling people to recycle.

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