California could provide school buses for all kids under bill

Mays, M. (2022, February 3). California could provide school buses for all kids under bill. Los Angeles Times. Retrieved February 5, 2022, from

This article is about the lack of busing in California school districts and that a new bill could mandate buses be provided for students. Students are much more likely to graduate when they have access to a ride to school, and many districts cannot afford buses or cannot find drivers. This leaves many students behind because they’re parents have to work instead of driving them to and from school. The article states that 68% of students are driven to school by a parent. 

This article relates to environmental science because buses are much more environmentally friendly than individual cars driving their kids to school. Because buses carry so many kids, the higher greenhouse gas emissions from their diesel engines is worth it in terms of carbon. Implementing green buses in schools that are mandatory would get rid of dirty diesel engines while also reducing the number of students who get rides from their parents to school, reducing the cars on the road, decreasing greenhouse gas emissions. I think that this measure should have been proposed long ago, but it’s great that it’s happening at all.

4 thoughts on “California could provide school buses for all kids under bill

  1. Just like the other article, I think it’s a great idea to increase accessibility for students to get to school, especially when it decreases greenhouse gas emissions. If the bill was passed would the state be paying for the buses?

    • Thanks for reading. Yes, California would pay for the buses, but they can afford it as California has a budget surplus.

  2. I think that this is a good idea and that it’s something that alot of schools should try to implement. How are we going to get kids who don’t usually take the bus to take the bus?

    • Thanks for reading. I think that a bus that is more convenient than driving will make the choice easy for most parents.

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