High-Speed Rail Board Clears Final Environmental Hurdles to Advance Service into LA

NEWS RELEASE: High-Speed Rail Board Clears Final Environmental Hurdles to Advance Service into LA. (2022, January 21). California High Speed Rail. Retrieved February 5, 2022, from https://hsr.ca.gov/2022/01/20/news-release-high-speed-rail-board-clears-final-environmental-hurdles-to-advance-service-into-la/

This article is about the recent approval of the final leg of the proposed high speed rail train from S.F. to L.A., which means that the project is very close to being started. The final leg is from Burbank to Los Angeles and will follow existing rail to minimize construction needed. The high speed rail system will be the first of its kind in the US. The project is expected to not disrupt the environment very much. 

This article relates to environmental science in that the approval was for the environmental impact of the train and the effects that the train will have itself. The train will reduce emissions because less people will drive from S.F. to L.A., also reducing smog in the Los Angeles area. It will also decrease congestion on the I-5, leading to more efficient driving, reducing emissions further. I think that this rail will do great things for California and Californians as mentioned before. It was a difficult project to get approved because of its revolutionary nature and revolutionary impact.

8 thoughts on “High-Speed Rail Board Clears Final Environmental Hurdles to Advance Service into LA

  1. I think this is a great thing given California has one of the highest levels of greenhouse gas emissions from transportation. When do you think this project will start?

    • Thanks for reading. I think that the project has to clear the “Not in my backyard” phase before moving forward so it’ll be a while.

  2. I agree, this is a very good development. The US has always had very limited public transportation compared to other developed countries. If all goes well, this could be very impactful in fighting climate change, especially if it’s done on a large scale. I do wonder, is this train a new model? I’m sure it’s more beneficial than not if you include the environmental upsides, but is this model easier to produce than current ones?

  3. Yes, I agree, this is a great idea because many people wanted to see an improvement with transportation to the city. Do you think this will encourage more to use this type of transportation instead of driving themselves?

  4. I believe that this is very revolutionary and will make a huge impact on life and earth. But, is this still harming ecosystems where the tracks are being built?

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