Dead Fish Island

Rouquette, P. (2022, February 5). Floating carpet of dead fish highlights France’s ‘lax’ attitude to overfishing. France 24. Retrieved February 6, 2022, from

On February 2, 2022 hundreds of thousands of fish were tossed back into the ocean by a French fishing ship. The ship claimed it was an accident but according to experts it was very clear that it was no accident. The ship dumped fish that it no longer viewed as profitable. It begs the question why were the fish caught in the first place if they were not viewed as profitable. Large ships fish with massive nets and even if a fish is caught with no value it still gets scooped up. This is why there needs to be laws to change the way fishing is done. 


Mandatory onboard cameras must become a law to stop the absolute waste that this French ship demonstrated. It is ridiculous that a ship has the power to waste hundreds of thousands of fish that could have been put to good use in feeding a world that needs it. The way fishing is done now allows for things like this to happen. When the nets are deployed there is no filter on what gets caught in it. Technology must be developed to stop this tragedy from occuring again. In addition to technology the laws must be harsher on acts such as these. The French government has done very little to punish the boat except denounce it’s doings.

Brexit and Fisheries

Hughes, S. (2022, February 2). Brexit ‘fails to deliver Government promises on fishing industry,’ new study reveals. PHYS ORG. Retrieved February 6, 2022, from

Brexit’s effect on fisheries has had a disappointing effect on the fishermen and constituents of coastal communities. Brexit promised to protect more marine habitats and fisheries while giving fishermen a higher cut of their catch. Brexit’s proposals for example promised to protect Dogger Bank an area that has been overfished for centuries. But there have been few changes made to protect the Dogger Bank habitats. In addition to this, fishermen were promised minimized taxes on their catches due to England being out of the E.U. but these promises have not been kept.  


Brexit has lowered the safety of coastal ecosystems and it has not met the promises of increasing fishermen’s pay. The protections that Brexit has not issued to ecosystems that have been overfished for a long time has put many species and habitats at risk. The monetary gains from Brexit for fishermen has been virtually little to none. No longer in the E.U. trade takes longer to go through regulations. Other European countries no longer have the desire to buy English fish due to the high cost and time it takes to reach its destination.

Sierra Leone Fisheries

Yeung, P. (2022, February 1). Illegal overfishing by Chinese trawlers leaves Sierra Leone locals ‘starving’. The Guardian.

The Sierra Leone fishing industry has taken a massive hit as China has invaded their waters. While Sierra Leone’s fishing industry is based on men in wooden boats with string nets China boasts superior boats and technology. Local fishermen follow legal regulations and report all catches. While on the other hand China’s massive refrigerated ships swoop in catching thousands of fish at once. Illegal fishing is costing Sierra Leone an estimated 50 million a year. Some illegal fishers have threatened and attacked native fishers when questioned on the legality of them being there. 


Natives of Sierra Leone are being forced to go on risky 3 day fishing excursions to earn barely enough to keep food on the table due to China invading their fishing territory. Sierra Leone only has more basic ways of fishing which China’s high tech boats can easily beat out for the catches. The families of Sierra Leone are starving and unemployed because of illegal overfishing. Suicide rate of fishermen in Sierra Leone has increased since resources started diminishing. People are committing suicide due to their being no food or jobs to support a family. Funding has run out on groups that regulated the ships within Sierra Leone waters. The lower hauls have led to many environmental problems and issues with Sierra Leonians being able to afford the cost of living. There is a tragedy of the commons on a global scale taking place here. The Chinese fishermen have no incentive to not take all the fish.

African Shark Population

Márquez, M. C. (2022, January 23). The Importance Of Shark Fisheries In Western Ghana. Forbes. Retrieved February 6, 2022, from

The Shark populations in Africa are decreasing rapidly. A healthy shark population is necessary to the food supply and economy of many African Nations. 12.3 million people are involved in fisheries in some form. Up to 60% of animal protein in coastal African nations is from Sharks. The livelihood of these coastal villages and nations are under threat due dwindling shark populations. Climate change is distorting the ocean landscape changing where shark populations are located. The primary source of income for millions is in jeopardy.


The shark population in Africa has taken a step decline due to global warming altering ocean habitats. With millions of people involved in the fishing industry in Africa, many of whom have fishing as their main source of income, are all now working in uncertain times. The main fish they catch is sharks. It accounts for the majority of protein in many of their diets, and it also accounts for the majority of money in their wallets. Climate change is destroying Shark’s habitats forcing them to change their swimming patterns away from where the fishermen are used to. In addition to this sharks are also being overfished in other parts of the world. So the combination of climate change and unregulated illegal overfishing has led to a drop off in food and money for many coastal African communities. If no changes are made many Africans will struggle to generate food and income.

South American Squid Stocks

Yahoo. Retrieved February 6, 2022, from

Negotiators have failed in attempting to strike a deal to protect threatened squid stocks off the coast of South America. The South Pacific Regional Fisheries Management Organization, or SPRFMO had a meeting in which Ecuador proposed that there be an observer aboard all ships by 2028. The observer would regulate that the ships unload their catches only in ports instead of at sea to giant refrigerated vessels. None of the measures proposed were approved or agreed upon. Biologists warn that thousands of ecosystems will be destroyed if fishing is not regulated better. 


With the regulations failing to pass, a component of South America’s fishing industry is in danger along with the health of ocean ecosystems. Chinese vessels are being flagged at a high rate of going into South America waters and unloading onto refrigerated vessels that are being sent back to Asia. But, it is currently very hard to regulate them without an observer aboard. The proposal was to have observers by 2028 which is a very reasonable date. So, the fact that it was rejected does not bode well for South American ecosystems or local fishermen. The waters off South America are notorious for illegal fishing practices and the fact the proposal was denied only makes it seem there will be no end in sight. Native animal populations will continue to dwindle and people will lose jobs.  

Santa Maria Regional Transit offers free 31-day bus pass for teens

Santa Maria Times Staff Report. (2022, January 17). Santa Maria Regional Transit offers free 31-day bus pass for teens. Santa Maria Times. Retrieved February 5, 2022, from

This article is about student action in Santa Maria, where students requested bus passes be made available for free for students that qualify for federal free and reduced-price lunch. These bus passes are free and last for 31 days and are accessed by students in grades 7 through 12. The passes are funded by the California Department of Transportation. 

This article relates to environmental science in that students will now be less likely to be driven to school, and instead use public transportation that’s already being driven. This will reduce greenhouse gas emissions from their transportation to school. I think that this measure is great and should also be implemented in our community as well as it will increase equity for all students. Getting to school should not be a barrier for being able to succeed in school.

High-Speed Rail Board Clears Final Environmental Hurdles to Advance Service into LA

NEWS RELEASE: High-Speed Rail Board Clears Final Environmental Hurdles to Advance Service into LA. (2022, January 21). California High Speed Rail. Retrieved February 5, 2022, from

This article is about the recent approval of the final leg of the proposed high speed rail train from S.F. to L.A., which means that the project is very close to being started. The final leg is from Burbank to Los Angeles and will follow existing rail to minimize construction needed. The high speed rail system will be the first of its kind in the US. The project is expected to not disrupt the environment very much. 

This article relates to environmental science in that the approval was for the environmental impact of the train and the effects that the train will have itself. The train will reduce emissions because less people will drive from S.F. to L.A., also reducing smog in the Los Angeles area. It will also decrease congestion on the I-5, leading to more efficient driving, reducing emissions further. I think that this rail will do great things for California and Californians as mentioned before. It was a difficult project to get approved because of its revolutionary nature and revolutionary impact.

California could provide school buses for all kids under bill

Mays, M. (2022, February 3). California could provide school buses for all kids under bill. Los Angeles Times. Retrieved February 5, 2022, from

This article is about the lack of busing in California school districts and that a new bill could mandate buses be provided for students. Students are much more likely to graduate when they have access to a ride to school, and many districts cannot afford buses or cannot find drivers. This leaves many students behind because they’re parents have to work instead of driving them to and from school. The article states that 68% of students are driven to school by a parent. 

This article relates to environmental science because buses are much more environmentally friendly than individual cars driving their kids to school. Because buses carry so many kids, the higher greenhouse gas emissions from their diesel engines is worth it in terms of carbon. Implementing green buses in schools that are mandatory would get rid of dirty diesel engines while also reducing the number of students who get rides from their parents to school, reducing the cars on the road, decreasing greenhouse gas emissions. I think that this measure should have been proposed long ago, but it’s great that it’s happening at all.

California’s blueprint budget has $6.1 billion for electric vehicle initiatives

Kolodny, L. (2022, January 11). California’s blueprint budget has $6.1 billion for electric vehicle initiatives. CNBC. Retrieved February 5, 2022, from

The article outlines more parts of the $286.4 billion budget that included the $4.2 billion for the high speed rail build, highlighting spending on EV development and other electrification measures. 50% of California’s greenhouse gas emissions are from transportation, so this investment makes a massive difference in lowering California’s overall emissions. The article also mentioned the complete ban on selling new gas-powered vehicles by 2035. It also noted that California has a large supply of lithium, needed for construction of EV batteries and that California has a budget surplus of $45 billion, which Newsome plans to pay some back to taxpayers.

This article relates to environmental science in that it’s policy that works towards lowering greenhouse gas and environmental impacts from the transportation industry in California. I think that investment in EVs is extremely important and one of the best ways to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. But, I think that moving away from natural gas as our main power source in California is more important, because an EV using power from natural gas is not really helping with greenhouse gas emissions. I commend Newsom for spending so much on renewable investments, but I’m not 100% confident that the money will be spent efficiently.

Gov. Newsom doubles down on high-speed rail funding, pledges $4.2 billion to finish Central Valley segment

Kamisher, E. (2022, January 14). Gov. Newsom doubles down on high-speed rail funding, pledges $4.2 billion to finish Central Valley segment. The Mercury News. Retrieved February 5, 2022, from

This article is about Governor Gavin Newsom’s new proposal to put $4.2 billion dollars into finishing a section of the proposed high speed rail from San Francisco to L.A. in the central valley. Many politicians do not believe that the project will be finished because of past delays. Also, they are concerned that it’s not serving the people it should because it’s in more sparsely populated areas that don’t connect to their population areas. Still others are concerned about financing the project, because bond money is starting to run a little dry. But, a scientist from UC Berkeley said that the project should continue because it’s a necessary part of the rail that will eventually connect S.F. and L.A., which would be great for the environment as people use the rail instead of driving.

This article is related to environmental science because the development of the transit sector through increasing public transportation decreases car use, which decreases overall greenhouse gas emissions, and allows for less road infrastructure, making more space for ecosystems. I think that this rail, once finished, will be a massive boost to Californians’ wellbeing and the economy. Traveling to and from S.F. and L.A. in under 3 hours without flying will allow much more connection between the two cities, if tickets are cheap enough and the trains reliable enough. For example, students could visit places on the other side of the state during field trips with ease compared to the logistics and costs of flight.