
The Mercury News. (2022, July 22). California must invest in infrastructure as a climate solution. Retrieved July 22, 2022, from 


27 million licensed drivers in California, environmental impact is a lot with the amount of cars being driven everyday. $97.5 billion budget for working to fix the impacts of drivers on the road. The state is reducing GHG emissions by 40% since 1990 by 2030. The economy must help in order to make this happen. It says that we need to work on green transportation otherwise it will be a missed opportunity for slowing down climate change. The high speed rail can help because it has many people together on one vehicle.


This is related to environmental science because the amount of greenhouse gas emissions has been going down by a decent amount since 1990 which is a pretty big deal. Since GHG emissions are going down, that means that there would be less pollution which can slow down climate change. The high speed rail is a good green option as it is like the bus or other trains but uses cleaner energy.

2 thoughts on “Transportation

  1. I agree that the high speed rail seems like a great opportunity to reduce green house gas emissions and focus on sustainable, clean energy solutions. Do you think that California will be the first state in the US to decrease emissions by 40%?

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