Climate change is driving 2022 extreme heat and flooding

The article focuses on the effects climate change has on the world. It gives examples of effects such as heatwaves becoming more intense year by year due to climate change. Secondly, rainfall and flooding because heavy rainfall is becoming more and more common because the warm air holds a lot of moisture. Also droughts have a large impact because of the warmer heats caused by climate change. The article gives many examples of effects caused by climate change which are issues for human health. 


The article is relevant to environmental science because it gives effects caused by climate change which can have a large effect on crops, water supplies and forests. All of this is relevant to the environment. In my opinion all the examples given in the article are extremely relevant around the world and are a large issue needing to be solved. 

2 thoughts on “Climate change is driving 2022 extreme heat and flooding

  1. I agree with your sentiment and how you said that the topic of climate change is extremely relevant and that it needs to be solved. A question that I have is, do you have any ideas on how it could be solved?

    • I think the best way to solve it is everyone taking a part in helping resolve the issue by carpooling, biking or driving electric vehicles. Anything to lower emissions will drastically help the problem.

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