Fossil-Fuel Pollution and Climate Change

The article speaks about the urgent need to limit the number of greenhouse gas emissions in order to protect human health. A large percentage of these numbers of greenhouse gasses come from fossil fuels. The United States has the highest number of greenhouse gasses because they are the largest producers of oil and gas. This causes issues that relate to the climate changing and global temperatures rising. It is extremely important to decrease climate change throughout the next 3 years or else it can be an extreme problem for human health. 


This article is related to environmental science because it is one of the largest issues that directly affects the environment and the entire world. Climate change can change the environment quicker than people expect. It is also extremely visible today because of many different studies done by scientists in the environment. In my opinion I agree with this article because it is very important to lower the amount of greenhouse gasses which will help climate change. 

3 thoughts on “Fossil-Fuel Pollution and Climate Change

  1. Nils- Do you have an APA citation for this? Your format of the article looks good, but based on your summary, your articles seems like it could have been written a long time ago stating basic agreed upon facts around climate change. I’m wondering what the “current event” in it is. If I could see the citation I’d be able to help with that.

  2. I didn’t know that The United States was responsible for producing the most Oil and Gas, found that quite interesting. How exactly can greenhouse gasses become so harmful to human heath?

    • Thanks for reading, I think greenhouse gasses can become so harmful to human health because they cause climate change by trapping heat in the atmosphere causing problems such as smog in the air and hotter temperatures.

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