Harvesting Wheat in Drought-Parched Kansas

Holtz, M. (2022, July 22). Harvesting Wheat in Drought-Parched Kansas. The New Yorker. Retrieved August 20, 2022, from https://www.newyorker.com/news/dispatch/harvesting-wheat-in-drought-parched-kansas. 

Kansas is currently in a drought and many farmers are seeing less and less yield in their crops. Due to climate change, the temperatures in Kansas are rising and scientists found that crop yield could decrease drastically due to higher temperatures. These high temperatures have also dried up many wells, making the scarce water sources even rarer. Kansas also exports half the wheat produced in the state, making it a big part of the wheat industry. Many fear that the decline of wheat production paired with current events such as the Russia vs. Ukraine war could lead to worldwide famine.

This article also shows the vast effects of climate change on the agriculture industry. It also shines light on the risk of famine due to the effects of climate change. Not only is the agricultural community affected, many others are also affected by this climate change due to the lack of water. It is truly sad to see these families that have been farming for so long see their crops yield less and less. Many of the people featured in this article are in dire situations due to the slim profit margins created by the lack of crop yield. I think a policy has to be put in place to combat climate change worldwide and communities should work together to find a temporary solution for the near future while we try to reverse the effects of climate change.

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