Uk drought: Why we need to get used to wonky vegetables

Rannard, G. (2022, August 18). Uk drought: Why we need to get used to wonky vegetables. BBC News. Retrieved August 20, 2022, from

Farmers in England are now selling their crops for less due to deformities caused by drought in the country. Many have had the same yield with different deformities including smaller crops, deformities in shape, and mutations such as tough skin. The lack of water also risks crop death and many farmers have already seen signs of dying crops. The soil is also dry and cracked, making it hard to plant anything for farmers who changed what they were planting to adapt to the drought.

Drought is present all over the world due to climate change. This article alone shows the impact of climate change on people, not to mention the long term impact it could have on a country’s food source. I think that a lot of people who live in 1st world countries are not appreciative of the food that they have. The fact that people pay less for food just because they look different than they are used to is crazy. Not only does it harm the environment, the

2 thoughts on “Uk drought: Why we need to get used to wonky vegetables

  1. I think it’s a good point that you mentioned drought affects both climate change and food supply. There are many effects of climate change that affect a multitude of aspects of life, not just water supply. How do you think these economic factors will impact future combat to climate change?

    • Thanks for reading! I think that the war against climate change will get harder and harder as it drags on, due to how it affects our resources.

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