Veganism Might Not Be the Most Sustainable Diet

Holmes, B. (2022, August 21). Veganism Might Not Be the Most Sustainable Diet. The Atlantic. Retrieved August 21, 2022, from 

New studies have found that a completely vegan world may not be the best solution for the climate crisis. Although livestock produce a lot of greenhouse gasses, if done the right way, a diet including meat could be more sustainable than a vegan diet. One example of a sustainable way to raise livestock would be to feed them using waste such as discarded produce. This would allow us to turn waste into edible food. Another benefit of keeping meat in the diet is that it would provide people with nutrients that many couldn’t get otherwise.

This article shows a solution towards climate change that involves the food industry. It shows that if done the right way, we could keep our diets the same and reduce the amount of impact we have on the environment. It is interesting to see the ideas that are very feasible to implement have such a big impact on our carbon footprint. Although it would be hard to transition, these methods of producing meat and dairy products could make a large impact on reducing carbon emissions, giving hope to people who don’t want to give up meat in their diet. It is also awesome to see that some asian countries have already started implementing a process similar to the ones mentioned in the article, however, many countries still have yet to start at all due to the large economic impacts the transition would have.

2 thoughts on “Veganism Might Not Be the Most Sustainable Diet

  1. I find this article very interesting, mainly because I would think that if we turned to a full veganism diet that it would help with the impact we have on our climate. However, according to this that is no longer the case. I like the ideas you come up with in order to create a more sustainable diet by producing our meat and reuse we get through the prosses. I also like the added fact about how some Asian countries have started to tackle this problem and their methods of making a more sustainable meat-producing system.

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