Extreme Weather, Fueled by Climate Change, Cost the U.S. $165 Billion in 2022

Rott, Nathan. “Extreme Weather, Fueled by Climate Change, Cost the U.S. $165 Billion in 2022.” NPR, NPR, 10 Jan. 2023, https://www.npr.org/2023/01/10/1147986096/extreme-weather-fueled-by-climate-change-cost-the-u-s-165-billion-in-2022. 


The article talks about the 18 weather reported disasters that were affecting the United States during 2022. These 18 weather disasters have caused billions of dollars to fix and help out for many years in a row. During 2022 alone in the United States damages cost up to 165 billion dollars. These damages were extremely bad in low income communities who struggle more when weather disasters strike. During these storms 174 people died in the year of 2022. These storms are getting more and more intense every year. The article states it is important to protect and prepare communities in advance. 

This article is related to environmental science because these storms are happening due to climate change. Weather becoming warmer and warmer every year causes many effects on the environment. The only way to reduce the effects of natural disasters is to solve and come up with better ways of working with our greenhouse emissions. My reaction to this article was amazed hearing the amount of money it cost the United States during one year from all the damages from natural disasters.

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