Meat Production

SHIKE, J. E. N. N. I. F. E. R. (2023, January 30). How will higher expected meat exports to China impact global trade … FarmLandersPork. Retrieved February 7, 2023, from 

This article talks about the imports of meat and compares red and white and how they will affect China’s economy and trade. A USDA study showed that chicken’s overall demand decreased to lower levels before the pandemic. Whole chicken demand decreased beef and perks demand increased resulting in slower shipments due to the fact of how great the demand was. Chicken demand fell about 4% while beef and pork demand increased by 3%. It states in the article that the shipments are now slower because importers want to use all their product that’s in cold storage before they buy more. 

This article is important because it relates to China’s overall meat demand and its enom=nomy. China’s demand for red meat increased by 3% in both pork and beef. With this much of an increase greenhouse gasses will increase and affect our climate even more. Not only red meat, but white meat  affects our climate as well. But recently china’s demand for chicken has decreased to levels lower than pre pandemic.

4 thoughts on “Meat Production

  1. I find it very interesting that red meat demand has increased, especially since it is the meat that impacts climate change the most. Methane gas pollution is much greater in cow farms compared to chicken or other white meat animals. What do you think caused this fluctuation in demand?

  2. This is very interesting. How much worse ate the effects of producing red meat and what can we do to incentivise China to consume more white meat?

    • Red meat causes a lot of emissions of co2 and methane as they are industrially harvested. They not only affect our climate but water systems and people near the area. We could give tax breaks or increase the price of red meat and decrease the price of white meat.

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