Meat Production

Perkins, J. (2023, January 19). December red meat production went down sharply. Brownfield Ag News. Retrieved February 6, 2023, from

This article was about meat production in the US, and how it dropped throughout the years. It states that the pounds of meat from pork, cow, and lamb have all decreased. Beef production went down six percent from last year. Resulting in “2.225 billion pounds” of beef produced. Not only beef but pork went down seven percent producing “2.23 billion pounds” of meat. 

Lowering our production of meat means lowering the emissions of co2 and other chemicals. With this we can stop or decrease climate change and not only help our environment but our atmosphere. With meat consumption declining it’ll result in a healthier world as there won’t be much pollution.

8 thoughts on “Meat Production

  1. I find it good that we are dropping in production of beefs as it is not very good for our planet due to the industrialization that occurs. It is ultimately upsetting that it is going to waste though and I hope we can learn to better manage the production.

    • I agree if we managed the production of meat better not only will it be put to use, and safer for the environment, but it would also be cost-efficient.

  2. It’s crazy that the production rate of meats is decreasing due to pollution and an increase in co2 levels. And the decline with meat consumption is being set up to make up a healthier world.

    • With so many animals being a cause of emissions it does make sense that if we lower our consumption and the overall amount of meat available, it should help our climate problem a lot.

  3. This article is really interesting, and I’m glad that red meat production is reducing significantly. Aside from going vegan/vegetarian and focusing on the trophic levels when eating, how else can we reduce red meat production with our daily actions?

    • Honestly, I don’t know but what we could do is spread more awareness on how animal farming/ harvest affects the world. Not just in our climate but in our homes and cities, and how mass slaughter of animals affects people.

  4. This is a very interesting perspective and issue. How do you think meat consumption can be brought down even more? Could a tax or penalty on the consumer work? Or on the supplier?

    • That’s a good question, I think both can work actually. Just the other day from my experience, my family and I went shopping for groceries and saw how high chicken breasts were. A standard 6 pieces of chicken breasts were over 25$ and we decided that how about we don’t buy this chicken. So I think having a tax on both the supplier and consumer can work in lowering our consumption of meat.

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