More Australian wildlife added to threatened species list in 2023 than ever before, conservationists say.

Cox, L. (2024, January 21). More Australian wildlife added to threatened species list in 2023 than ever before, conservationists say. The Guardian. 

This article explains how five times the yearly average of ecological communities, plants, and animals have been added to the Australian national list of threatened wildlife in 2023. This is because Australia’s nature laws do not protect many species against habitat destruction or land clearing, which can have disastrous effects on many species. Because their national laws are not strict enough to prevent corporations from finding loopholes, their native species are suffering. Bushfires are also a large issue in Australia, which are often caused by global warming issues because the land is so dry.

This article shows how environmental issues often clash with political and legal structures. As exemplified by the sheer uptick in endangered species in Australia in the last year, I feel that it is clear that they need to make tighter laws and restrictions surrounding wildlife conservation. 2023 should be a wake up call for their government to show them that any political reservations for creating more strict laws are not worth losing so much biodiversity over. 

One thought on “More Australian wildlife added to threatened species list in 2023 than ever before, conservationists say.

  1. I agree that tighter laws need to be made and that 2023 should be a wakeup call. It is so disappointing to hear about increased threatened species list, and I hope that 2023 is the year they reverse that. Do you know if they currently have any legislative plans set to control this yet?

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