Why is Wastewater Management Important?

NuWater. (2023, November 15). The importance of wastewater treatment. NuWater Water Treatment Solutions South Africa.    https://nuwater.com/the-importance-of-wastewater-treatment/ 

This article ultimately covers all facets related to wastewater and wastewater management. Such as explaining what wastewater is. The need for wastewater, presenting evidence that there isn’t enough accessible clean water and wastewater management is helping to solve that problem. The environmental impacts of untreated wastewater which include many health risks such as viruses and parasites. A breeding ground for waterborne diseases. Further dives into the treatment process and different types of treatment plants. For example, the main 4 plants used are conventional activated sludge plants, trickling filter plants, membrane bioreactor plants, and sequencing batch reactors. Lastly the article ends on a positive note with the benefits and future of wastewater. Stating that wastewater ensures access to water for everyone. 

This article is connected to environmental science because it covers many ideas that fall under the umbrella of the subject. Wastewater is not only helping millions if not billions of people it is also beneficial for our environment. Less of our natural water resources will be depleted and it is a key helper in drought prevention. Furthermore by removing contaminants out of water we are actively reducing the risk of water pollution and waterborne diseases. As wastewater technology keeps advancing we can expect the benefits of wastewater treatment to continue to increase. 


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