Food distribution 5

University of Michigan. (2018, July 23). New scholarly focus needed to help solve global food crisis. ScienceDaily. Retrieved August 4, 2018 from



Because the global food system is seemingly not going to be secure in the future, researchers believe that it is necessary to put a lot of scholarly work into finding a solution. One main problem is the lack of access to healthy, diverse and affordable foods. This leads to malnutrition for many people, while there is an abundance of food in other towns. There has also been a crisis with diets because globalization has lead to people having access to a more western diet therefore not being able to control their eating. Global health connects to the quality and availability of food which is connected to environmental friendly agriculture. It is important for researchers to link these together so people know how their diet is affecting the environment.


Relation to environmental science:

If more research were to be done on how to preserve resources while producing the most food, it would be extremely beneficial to the environment. Because of the findings that certain diets can help environmentally, hopefully in the future people will be able to adapt and eat less meat. Research also provides analysis about issues of food and agriculture. Overall this article is sending a good message and encouraging solutions to making environmentally friendly agricultural methods.


Food distribution 4

  1. Reidy (2018, July 30). Partnership to bring agricultural technology to Nigeria.

World-Grain. Retrieved August 2, 2018 from



An agreement was signed with the international center for tropical agriculture, in which Nigeria will attempt to fix the problem with having sufficient food for everyone. Research will be done in Nigeria to create an agricultural method in which their is a lot of healthy food for the growing population. As well as being environmentally friendly to climate change. The agricultural advancement will be through soil management and healthy food that can be marketed to the poor.


Relation to Environmental science:

This opportunity will hopefully benefit both Nigeria and the Agricultural organization because Nigeria will get enough food, and the organization will learn new things from research. The deal is promising and will have a positive impact on the environment with new innovations to help the agriculture. In the future Nigeria’s source of food could be plentiful and there will finally be solution for the starving families in Nigeria. Because it will also work on the consumption hubs within Nigeria, there will not be many times when there is overstocking which will also help the environment.


Food distribution 3

Rosenbaum. L (2018, July 23). Pediatricians warn against chemical additives in food for kids.

Magazine for the society of science and the public. Retrieved July 30, 2018 from



Because children have a lower body weight, they are particularly susceptible to possible toxins. It is important as a parent to ensure that your kid avoids chemicals that come from plastic packaging. These chemicals can cause cancer, obesity and cardiovascular disease. Many people are unaware that plastic packaging has such a negative effect. They can also have neurocognitive effects, such as increased hyperactivity. Overall it is important to eat organic and fresh food whenever possible in order to avoid chemicals entering your body.


Relation to Environmental science:

Producing food from plastic seems easier and beneficial, but plastic is extremely detrimental to the environment. It is going to be necessary to limit the amount of plastic used in the process of making food, because it is both bad for people’s health and the environment. The article warns people of chemicals in food which can help in the future so parents will know to feed their children healthy food.


Food distribution 2

Frontiers. (2018, February 9). Organic food provides significant environmental benefits to plant-rich diets: The study of more than 34,000 people is the first to investigate the environmental impacts of both food choices and farm production systems.

ScienceDaily. Retrieved July 28, 2018 from



A study has confirmed that leading a healthy diet consisting of mostly fruits and vegetables, rather than meat, is better for the environment. It also benefits the climate because less processing is done to make the food. Livestock farming requires high energy, which contributes to greenhouse gas emissions. Whereas the production life cycle of organic food reduces greenhouse gas emissions, cumulative energy demand, and land occupation. Organic diets also have a more beneficial effect to people’s health if the diet is plant based rather than meat based.


Relation Environmental science:

It is inferred that the food production cycle of farming organic food is more beneficial to sustainability than any other method of food production. Therefore in the future it will be important for people to manage their diet in the pursuit of environmental wellness. Agriculture will also begin to use a lot of land taking away from other things so people must adapt to make room for more crops. The environment can also be impacted by climate, soil types, and farm management. This article does a good job of showing the importance of a healthy diet.  


Food distribution

  1. Berners-Lee, C. Kennely (2018, July 18). Current global food production is sufficient to meet human nutritional needs in 2050 provided there is racial societal adaptation.

Elementa Science. Retrieved July 26, 2018 from:



Because the population is increasing to approximately 9.5 billion people by 2050, a challenge arises. How is society going to create a sustainable food production and distribution rate? At the same time it is important to reduce negative environmental impacts while creating enough food. One of the things needed to solve this problem is to minimize social inequality, therefore there will not be excess food for some communities and insufficient food for others. It is also important to ensure a good variety of healthy foods are accessible all over the world. Finally enough crops will be needed to feed animals and people will need to preserve animals so there can be meat in people’s diet. The food industry is going to have to adapt to situations and increase their efficiency in order to be able to feed everyone.


Relation to Environmental science:

This article hypothesizes that we will have enough food in 2050, the difficulty is producing it through an agricultural method that is environmentally friendly and meets everyone’s standards. In the future we may not have the resources to be making a large amount of food through factories. Therefore we will use more land to make available crops for communities, but this can lead to loss of biodiversity. The food industry must also take into account that we cannot produce a surplus of food, because there is little room for error if society wants to ensure that there is enough food for everyone. Overall the sustainability of agriculture will greatly affect the world economically and environmentally so it is important to find methods that will work.