22 countries, including U.S., pledge to Triple Nuclear Power Capacity. POWER Magazine

Adopt-a-Topic: #5: Proctor, D. (2023, December 4). 22 countries, including U.S., pledge to Triple Nuclear Power Capacity. POWER Magazine. https://www.powermag.com/22-countries-including-u-s-pledge-to-triple-nuclear-power-capacity/ 

The United States and 21 other countries have committed to greatly increasing the global generation capacity of nuclear power, as detailed in the article titled “22 Countries, Including U.S., Pledge to Triple Nuclear Power Capacity”. The promise was made during the COP28 climate conference of the United Nations, which took place in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. The participating nations—Canada, the UK, France, South Korea, and the UAE—aspire to produce three times as much nuclear power by the middle of the century. The understanding that greater use of nuclear energy is essential for lowering carbon emissions and battling climate change is what motivates the decision to increase nuclear power capacity. Global governments are attempting to meet their climate targets, and one practical way to achieve low-carbon and sustainable energy systems is through the use of nuclear power. The 22 nations’ commitment highlights the role that nuclear energy plays in the international effort to combat climate change.

Because it emphasizes the role of nuclear power in the context of environmental sustainability, this article is extremely pertinent to the field of environmental science. Low-carbon energy sources like nuclear power are thought to help lower greenhouse gas emissions, which are a major cause of climate change. These nations are showing their dedication to meeting their climate goals and switching to greener energy sources by promising to triple their nuclear power capacity. Even though using nuclear power has the potential to lower carbon emissions, there are issues and worries that must be recognized and addressed. These include upholding stringent regulatory oversight, safeguarding nuclear facility security, and safely managing radioactive waste. Through efficient resolution of these concerns, nations can fully utilize nuclear energy while preserving public health and the environment.

Finland / country needs new large-scale nuclear power plants, says energy technology expert :: Nucnet: The Independent Nuclear News Agency. The Independent Global Nuclear News Agency

Adopt-a-Topic: #4:    Central Office, N. a.s.b.l. (n.d.). Finland / country needs new large-scale nuclear power plants, says energy technology expert :: Nucnet: The Independent Nuclear News Agency. The Independent Global Nuclear News Agency. https://www.nucnet.org/news/country-needs-new-large-scale-nuclear-power-plants-says-energy-technology-expert-1-5-2024 


The views of Lappeenranta University of Technology energy technology professor Esa Vakkilainen, who emphasizes the necessity for Finland to construct new large-scale nuclear power plants, are discussed in the article. According to Vakkilainen, even with the nation’s growing reliance on renewable energy sources, baseload power—which nuclear energy can supply—is still necessary. He proposes that Finland should aim to generate 50% of its electricity from nuclear power, up from the current 35%. Additionally, Vakkilainen brings up the potential for new construction projects at the sites of Loviisa and Olkiluoto. Finland’s nuclear power capacity is exemplified by the Olkiluoto-3 nuclear power plant, which started operations in May 2023.


Environmental Science Perspective: By emphasizing nuclear power’s role in the process of switching to a cleaner, more sustainable energy system, this article is pertinent to environmental science. Renewable energy sources are sporadic and weather-dependent, but their expansion is crucial for lowering greenhouse gas emissions and slowing down climate change. In contrast, nuclear power offers a consistent and dependable source of electricity that can satisfy baseload demand. In order to ensure a dependable and resilient energy supply while lowering carbon emissions, Vakkilainen highlights the significance of maintaining a balance between nuclear power and renewable energy by arguing for an increased share of nuclear power. Regarding the environment, the expert’s perspective is in line with the necessity of a varied energy mix to tackle the issues of energy security and climate change. Notwithstanding its contentious reputation, nuclear power has a lot to offer in terms of reliable power supply and the production of low-carbon electricity. Countries can build a more reliable and robust energy system by combining nuclear power with renewable energy sources. Nonetheless, it is imperative to take into account the related environmental and safety factors, like waste management and accident prevention. Achieving sustainable development goals can be facilitated by finding a balance between nuclear power and renewable energy sources.

Emerging Europe backs nuclear power to solve energy needs.

Adopt-a-Topic: #3: Emerging Europe backs nuclear power to solve energy needs. bne IntelliNews. (2023, January 6). https://www.intellinews.com/emerging-europe-backs-nuclear-power-to-solve-energy-needs-266106/ 

The article “Emerging Europe backs nuclear power to solve energy needs” explores how the region of emerging Europe is beginning to support nuclear power as a way to meet its energy needs. Along with nations in Central Europe like Poland and the Baltic States, it features Belarus, Russia, and Ukraine. The growing need for energy, the move to greener sources, and the potential contribution of nuclear power to achieving these goals are all discussed in the article.


The article poses significant issues regarding striking a balance between reducing environmental impact and meeting rising energy demands in the context of environmental science. Even though nuclear power can help lower greenhouse gas emissions, worries about possible hazards related to its operation and waste management must be addressed. It is impossible to overlook the long-term consequences of nuclear accidents, which include environmental harm and radioactive contamination. As a result, any decision to increase nuclear power should be supported by stringent safety protocols, in-depth risk analyses, and open public participation. The essay also emphasizes the necessity of tackling energy needs and climate change from a comprehensive angle. A varied energy mix that incorporates renewable energy sources like hydroelectric, solar, and wind power is imperative. A more sustainable energy future can also be achieved by putting an emphasis on energy efficiency measures, encouraging sustainable practices, and funding research and development for cutting-edge clean energy technologies.

Nuclear power output expected to break Global Records in 2025

Adopt-a-Topic: #2:  Harvey, F. (2024, January 24). Nuclear power output expected to break Global Records in 2025. The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2024/jan/24/nuclear-power-output-expected-to-break-global-records-in-2025 

The article “Nuclear power output expected to break global records in 2025” explores the implications of the anticipated global increase in nuclear power generation for the shift to a low-carbon global economy. The International Energy Agency (IEA) predicts that early in 2019, renewable energy will overtake coal as the primary energy source in several countries, including China, India, Korea, and Europe. The report also emphasizes how the transition to a low-carbon economy is driving an increase in the demand for electricity, and how renewable energy sources can help meet this demand. The essay underlines how important it is to keep up the fight against carbon emissions and quicken the switch to sustainable energy sources.

Since it examines nuclear power’s role in combating climate change and advancing the low-carbon economy, this article is pertinent to environmental science. The anticipated rise in nuclear power generation suggests that the potential of nuclear power to support decarbonization efforts is becoming increasingly acknowledged. Regarded as a low-carbon energy source, nuclear power can produce a sizable amount of electricity while lowering greenhouse gas emissions. But it’s crucial to make sure that safety precautions are taken and that waste management issues are sufficiently handled. The article also emphasizes the significance of renewable energy sources, like solar and wind power, which are anticipated to be crucial in supplying the world’s growing need for electricity. In order to mitigate climate change and achieve sustainability goals, there is an ongoing shift towards cleaner energy sources, such as nuclear and renewables. While the diversification of the energy mix is a positive development, more work and funding are required to hasten the shift to clean and sustainable energy.

Growing support for nuclear will drive industry forward in 2025

Adopt-a-Topic: #1: Day, P. (2024, January 23). Growing support for nuclear will drive industry forward in 2025 Reuters. https://www.reuters.com/business/energy/growing-support-nuclear-will-drive-industry-forward-2024-2024-01-23 

The article “Growing Support for Nuclear Will Drive the Industry Forward in 2024” explores how nuclear energy is becoming more and more popular around the world as a way to combat climate change and supply the world’s expanding energy needs. It draws attention to the initiatives taken by nations like China, Russia, and the US to increase their nuclear power output and create cutting-edge reactor technologies. The difficulties the nuclear industry faces are also discussed in the article, including worries about public perception, waste management, and safety. It highlights how nuclear energy may help lower greenhouse gas emissions and diversify energy sources, but it also recognizes that safety and waste management concerns must be addressed.


This article examines nuclear energy’s role in environmental sustainability and mitigating climate change, which makes it relevant to environmental science. As a low-carbon energy source, nuclear power has the ability to lower greenhouse gas emissions and facilitate the switch from fossil fuels. The understanding of nuclear energy’s potential to support decarbonization initiatives and meet the world’s growing energy demand is reflected in the growing support for the technology. Nonetheless, it’s critical to handle the difficulties that come with nuclear energy and approach it cautiously. Safety is still the top priority, as demonstrated by the lessons learned from previous disasters like Chernobyl and Fukushima. For nuclear power plants to operate safely, minimizing potential risks requires strict regulations, strong risk assessment methods, and appropriate safety protocols. Another crucial issue that must be addressed is waste management, with an emphasis on creating workable plans for the long-term disposal of radioactive waste. Furthermore, public opinion and involvement are essential for establishing credibility and promoting well-informed debates regarding the advantages and disadvantages of nuclear power. Scientists and policymakers can make educated decisions about the place of nuclear power in the shift to a low-carbon, sustainable future by taking these environmental and social factors into account.

Diablo Canyon Power Plant Decommissioning Report Released

Buccio provides a thorough analysis of how shutting down Diablo Canyon may affect the environment. In addition to the difficult subject of site rehabilitation and decommissioning, it covers the effects on regional ecosystems. The essay emphasizes strongly the environmental problems and difficulties associated with shutting down a nuclear reactor. Additionally, it clarifies any potential long-term effects on adjacent species.

Regarding Environmental Science & Personal Reaction: Given the complexity of the task, decommissioning nuclear sites calls for a solid grasp of environmental science. The elaborate planning and protracted work necessary to return such areas to a secure state fascinated me. I find it fascinating how dealing with the consequences of nuclear power involves the confluence of technology, policy, and environmental science.

Nuclear Fusion Is Not the ‘Holy Grail’ of Clean Energy

Damianos talks about important developments in fusion research at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory that have the potential to fundamentally change nuclear power. Environmental difficulties are brought on by nuclear energy, however unlike fission, fusion offers a plentiful energy source with little radioactive waste, potentially easing some of those issues. Damianos goes into great length on the technological challenges as well as the anticipated timeline for commercializing fusion power.

Fusion research is connected to environmental science and stirs up strong emotions in people since it lies at the nexus of the two scientific disciplines. It presents the tantalizing possibility of a clean, abundant energy source, despite the fact that it is still a very long way from being an economically viable energy source. Although I’m aware that there are still many challenges to be solved before fusion power can be employed as a realistic power source, I believe it has a lot of potential.

The Federal Government Must Deal with the Storage of Hazardous Nuclear Waste in San Onofre

The difficulties California faces in controlling the radioactive waste from its shut-down reactors are highlighted in Lauries piece. The lack of a federal repository for spent nuclear fuel, which is a popular topic of discussion, has caused controversy and disagreements about disposal and management choices. The article also discusses the effects of these problems on politics and society.

This article gives a brief introduction of nuclear waste management, a significant environmental concern, in relation to environmental science and individual reaction. Though technology has advanced, I’m still concerned that there isn’t a perfect way to dispose of nuclear waste. It is a sobering reminder of the long-term effects of our energy choices and the necessity for sensible waste management regulations.

No, California Doesn’t Need Diablo Canyon to Keep the Lights On

Lovins piece addresses the current discussion regarding nuclear energy’s place in California’s energy future in light of Diablo Canyon’s upcoming closure. It contrasts the opinions of those who favor a focus on renewable energy sources with those of people who support advanced reactors as a carbon-free energy source. In order to provide a balanced overview of a challenging topic, the article considers both sides of each issue.

Environmental science includes extensive research on energy sustainability. It emphasizes how difficult it is to design energy policy choices that take carbon emissions, safety, and dependability into account. This demonstrates how challenging it is to create a sustainable energy future. I find it intriguing to see these talks progress. It makes me wonder what the energy future may hold and how we can balance the demand for steady power with the requirement to reduce our carbon footprint.

Regulators Nix Proposal to Delay Closure of California’s Last Nuclear Plant

Blood, Michael  R. “Regulators Nix Proposal to Delay Closure of California’s Last Nuclear Plant.” Los Angeles Times, Los Angeles Times, 25 Jan. 2023, www.latimes.com/business/story/2023-01-25/regulators-nix-proposal-on-californias-last-nuclear-plant. 

The last nuclear power plant left in service in California, Diablo Canyon, will be shut down, according to Pacific Gas & Electric, as discussed in Michael;s essay. Both environmental and economic considerations have an impact on this choice. The upcoming closure raises concerns about the state’s nuclear energy policy going forward and its effects on the local economy and nature. The closure signifies a shift in the energy landscape in California and could portend the demise of nuclear power in the Golden State. Smith’s thesis evaluates the economic implications of this decision, including potential job losses and consequences on nearby areas.

The article’s description of the shutdown of the nuclear plant and its effects has a direct effect on that field of study. It draws attention to the negative consequences of nuclear power on the environment and its long-term viability. While this action may be able to lessen nuclear waste and disaster risk, if renewable energy sources are not improved, it may also result in a greater reliance on fossil fuels. This raises questions in my mind regarding California’s future energy mix and the significance of renewables to the state’s energy needs. It also stresses how crucial proper planning is for reducing negative effects on the environment.