Nuclear Fusion Is Not the ‘Holy Grail’ of Clean Energy

Damianos talks about important developments in fusion research at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory that have the potential to fundamentally change nuclear power. Environmental difficulties are brought on by nuclear energy, however unlike fission, fusion offers a plentiful energy source with little radioactive waste, potentially easing some of those issues. Damianos goes into great length on the technological challenges as well as the anticipated timeline for commercializing fusion power.

Fusion research is connected to environmental science and stirs up strong emotions in people since it lies at the nexus of the two scientific disciplines. It presents the tantalizing possibility of a clean, abundant energy source, despite the fact that it is still a very long way from being an economically viable energy source. Although I’m aware that there are still many challenges to be solved before fusion power can be employed as a realistic power source, I believe it has a lot of potential.

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