“Wildfire Climate Connection.

“Wildfire Climate Connection.” National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 8 Aug. 2022, https://www.noaa.gov/noaa-wildfire/wildfire-climate-connection. 


The article states that climate change has caused extreme heat, extended drought which lead to an increased number of forest fires throughout the United States. The lack of moisture in fuels such as trees and shrubs have a strong correlation with climate change. The lack of rain and extreme rise in temperature have set the stage of an extravagant wildfire season from 2020 to 2022. Research stated that these dry and drought conditions will continue to extend fire seasons longer and become more intense every year. 


This article is related to environmental science because it shows the effects climate change has on the environment. This issue will only get worse year by year because the United States does not have many treaties or regulations limiting its citizens with greenhouse gas emissions. It is important for the government in prone wildfire areas to be extra cautious when it comes to how they spend their water and numbers of greenhouse emissions. All citizens in these areas are affected from fires and are all in danger of possible destruction due to them. 

Climate Change Threatens to Destroy ‘the Things Americans Value Most,’ U.S. Government Warns

emma_newburger. “Climate Change Threatens to Destroy ‘the Things Americans Value Most,’ U.S. Government Warns.” CNBC, CNBC, 8 Nov. 2022, https://www.cnbc.com/2022/11/08/climate-change-threatens-things-americans-value-most-govt-report.html. 


The article says the United States needs to ramp up their efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions over the next 30 years. This is because as climate change worsens over time it will threaten water supplies and public health stated by the article. The article says over the last 50 years the United States has warmed about 68% faster than the rest of the world with temperatures rising 2.5 degrees. Millions of Americans will be displaced by climate related disasters such as severe wildfires. 

This article is related to environmental science because climate change is the main factor of all the issues stated in the article. A large part of this is the United States being one of the leaders in fossil fuels consumptions. This causes a large amount of pollution which is why the United States warmed up at a quicker percentage then other countries around the world. My reaction to this article was wondering how different countries compare to the United States in order to see how the numbers compared when it came to greenhouse gas emissions. 

Extreme Weather, Fueled by Climate Change, Cost the U.S. $165 Billion in 2022

Rott, Nathan. “Extreme Weather, Fueled by Climate Change, Cost the U.S. $165 Billion in 2022.” NPR, NPR, 10 Jan. 2023, https://www.npr.org/2023/01/10/1147986096/extreme-weather-fueled-by-climate-change-cost-the-u-s-165-billion-in-2022. 


The article talks about the 18 weather reported disasters that were affecting the United States during 2022. These 18 weather disasters have caused billions of dollars to fix and help out for many years in a row. During 2022 alone in the United States damages cost up to 165 billion dollars. These damages were extremely bad in low income communities who struggle more when weather disasters strike. During these storms 174 people died in the year of 2022. These storms are getting more and more intense every year. The article states it is important to protect and prepare communities in advance. 

This article is related to environmental science because these storms are happening due to climate change. Weather becoming warmer and warmer every year causes many effects on the environment. The only way to reduce the effects of natural disasters is to solve and come up with better ways of working with our greenhouse emissions. My reaction to this article was amazed hearing the amount of money it cost the United States during one year from all the damages from natural disasters.

NASA Study: Rising Sea Level Could Exceed Estimates for U.S. Coasts – Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet.

“NASA Study: Rising Sea Level Could Exceed Estimates for U.S. Coasts – Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet.” NASA, NASA, 15 Nov. 2022, https://climate.nasa.gov/news/3232/nasa-study-rising-sea-level-could-exceed-estimates-for-us-coasts/. 


The article talks about the potential effects of climate change on sea levels. The article states a prediction made by NASA that by 2050 the sea level will rise 12 inches compared to today’s waterline. The article says the cause of this large increase in sea level is the warming climate caused by climate change. They predict the climate to accelerate into the warmer temperatures every year. NASA did research on this issue by using satellites up in space to compare the different years at the coasts. The article states different areas in the United States such as the west coast, east coast and gulf of Mexico will all be affected by different levels of water rise. 


This article is related to environmental science because we study sea level rise and the causes of it. My reaction while reading the article was thinking what the possible outcomes would be if the water level were to increase by about 12 inches. This would have a massive effect and toll on all areas at the coast. These issues will not only be faced in the United States but also around the entire world. What would possible solutions be to minimize the amount of sea level rise and ways to prevent disaster in case it were to happen? 

Climate Change Regulatory Actions and Initiatives.

“Climate Change Regulatory Actions and Initiatives.” EPA, Environmental Protection Agency, 19 Dec. 2022, https://www.epa.gov/climate-change/climate-change-regulatory-actions-and-initiatives. 

This article speaks about president Biden’s plans when it comes to climate change in the United States. He plans to do this through setting new regulations consisting of empowering workers and businesses to drive our way to a cleaner country. Legislation is being made to help with some of the largest issues such as transportation and oil/natural gas. The article is split up into sections consisting with solutions and propositions in place to help specific parts of the issue. Such as Oil and natural gas, transportation, power plants and more.  

This article is related to environmental science because it speaks about environmentally related topics in the United States such as climate change. The article is related to what we are learning in class at the moment about climate change. My initial reaction to the article was supporting it because I agree that transportation and oil, natural gas are our largest producers of greenhouse emissions. It is important for the United States to figure out possible solutions for these problems. 

WORLD Air pollution slashing 10 years off life expectancy in Delhi, the world’s most polluted city, study says

The article talks about the air pollution in New Delhi, the capital of India. The article says this bad air pollution can possibly cut off 10 years of people’s lives because it is the world’s most polluted city. The air pollution is unsafe for human health and unsafe for the environment. The air pollution got so bad from burning fossil fuels because of the very large population of India. The fossil fuels then turn into greenhouse gasses which change the climate all around the world.


The article is relevant to environmental science because climate change has the effects of changing the environment. Sciencitist need to figure out the best ways to reduce the harm done by climate change throughout the years to better the environment. In my opinion it is important to reduce the air pollution in India and all throughout the world because it is unhealthy for humans to breathe bad air. 


Climate change is driving 2022 extreme heat and flooding

The article focuses on the effects climate change has on the world. It gives examples of effects such as heatwaves becoming more intense year by year due to climate change. Secondly, rainfall and flooding because heavy rainfall is becoming more and more common because the warm air holds a lot of moisture. Also droughts have a large impact because of the warmer heats caused by climate change. The article gives many examples of effects caused by climate change which are issues for human health. 


The article is relevant to environmental science because it gives effects caused by climate change which can have a large effect on crops, water supplies and forests. All of this is relevant to the environment. In my opinion all the examples given in the article are extremely relevant around the world and are a large issue needing to be solved. 

Stopping Climate Change Is Doable, but Time Is Short, U.N. Panel Warns

The article speaks about the world having to move away from fossil fuels faster in order to hope for a better future. The article states that throughout the next year temperatures could increase by 2.7 degrees. Climate change creates issues such as floods, drought, wildfires and others. The article states politics planning on using more sustainable energy and other new climate policies. It is important for everyone to reduce their energy demand by either taking public transportation, less energy in homes and other ways.


This article is relevant to environmental science because it affects the climate in different ways such as creating floods, droughts and other unnatural effects caused by climate change getting worse throughout the years. In my opinion the article gives a lot of good information on the issue of climate change and how people like us can help decrease it. 

Climate change is hitting the planet faster than scientists originally thought

The article speaks about the negative effects of climate change hitting the world faster than all scientists have predicted. Causes of climate change this article states are the greenhouse gasses being released into the atmosphere. The only main way to reduce the effects of climate change is by reducing the greenhouse emissions that are being released into the atmosphere. This article gives multiple statistics such as more than 40% of the world population will live in places highly vulnerable to climate change. 


This article is related to environmental science because it speaks about one of the largest issues the environment is faced with, which is climate change. The environment will change by increasing temperatures throughout the years. In my opinion it is important to reduce greenhouse gasses and do all you can to reduce your carbon footprint.  

Fossil-Fuel Pollution and Climate Change

The article speaks about the urgent need to limit the number of greenhouse gas emissions in order to protect human health. A large percentage of these numbers of greenhouse gasses come from fossil fuels. The United States has the highest number of greenhouse gasses because they are the largest producers of oil and gas. This causes issues that relate to the climate changing and global temperatures rising. It is extremely important to decrease climate change throughout the next 3 years or else it can be an extreme problem for human health. 


This article is related to environmental science because it is one of the largest issues that directly affects the environment and the entire world. Climate change can change the environment quicker than people expect. It is also extremely visible today because of many different studies done by scientists in the environment. In my opinion I agree with this article because it is very important to lower the amount of greenhouse gasses which will help climate change.