Corn can power all our vehicles

Corn cobs could power cars. (n.d.) Retrieved September 9, 2014, from


Corn can end up powering all cars, due to its easily breakage into sugars like glucose. It also makes it easy for it to be turned into another alternative fossil fuel called bioethanol. Problem is corn can not be used for food consumption and energy too because of low resource of water to grow enough corn for both usages. Researchers are trying to find an alternative way to resolve this issue without using up to much water. A bacteria in nature was found to mix enzymes and convert a large array of molecules into one to be helpful for two usable types. This is just the start of the procedure to making this into a reality, there are still many details to be fixed on.


This article relates to the environment because if corn becomes an alternative to fossil fuels as a way to power cars than it would do the world a great amount of help. There can be various ways for corn to be used, apart from consuming it as a food. I think that researchers should keep moving forward with their discovery on the bacteria to help make use of the corn without using an excess amount of water, a natural resource that we are in the verge of wasting up. If the bacteria turns out to help in two ways then it would significantly improve a lot of other factors.


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2 thoughts on “Corn can power all our vehicles

  1. I think you found an article that epitomizes env. science. Should corn be used for fuel or food? Especially when there’s a drought going on… laws say a certain amount must be used for fuel. But what about the drought. Enter science. Developing a bacteria that can some how help make the process more efficient is what it’s all about. Will be interesting to see how that unfolds. Would you support using a genetically engineered bacteria to do this work?

    • I’m not very sure as to what I think yet but I believe that we should find what is best as to using the corn for food or fuel.

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