Issues in Montana

1.”Guest Opinion: Waters of the US Rule Is about Control, Not Conservation.” The Laurel Outlook. N.p., 3 Sept. 2014. Web. 07 Sept. 2014.

Montanans are one of the highest groups that value there water. Things might start to change in Montana. Montana’s water conservation model would be flipped if the EPA gets their way. This is an attempt to expand the power of the federal bureaucracy. If this happens they will be able to control what happens on private land. This could also affect Montana’s economy considering that agriculture is the their most important industry. If this act was to move forward, EPA would treat landowners as a suspect in a crime.Many believe that this is not about protecting water. Instead, they believe it is about gaining control.

I believe that the EPA should leave everything the way it is. They should not have control of private lands. If it was public, then yes I would understand but it’s not. By doing this it could affect their economy. The United States has all states in debt as it is. It would not help their economy at all. I agree that this is not them being concerned about the water. This is them wanting control which they should not have. Montana is a state that values their water, so I believe the EPA should just let them be and focus on more important issues.

One thought on “Issues in Montana

  1. I understand where your coming from, that the EPA should leave things alone and shouldn’t try and take over the private land because there is a complete difference in public vs private land. However, I feel as if some water restrictions were added it would be beneficial for Montana so they could continue there crop industry for a longer period of time as well as help the ecosystem from collapsing and depleting it of water.

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