Problems in Duke

“Groups Enforce Clean Water Act to Clean Up Pollution at Three Coal Ash Sites in N.C. (09/04/2014) –” -Groups Enforce Clean Water Act to Clean Up Pollution at Three Coal Ash Sites in N.C. (09/04/2014) – N.p., Aug.-Sept. 2014. Web. 07 Sept. 2014.

Duke energy now has a lawsuit in federal court against them to clean up a toxic coal ash pollution. Duke has three facilities contaminated that are contaminating rivers and ground-water supplies. This is the water that provide drinking water to thousands of North Carolinians. This lawsuit was was filed by the Southern Environmental Law Center on behalf of Cape Fear River Watch. Cape Fear plant has poor condition rated dams that has high hazard. Duke energy has already pumped over 60 million gallons of polluted coal ash water into the river. The Buck coal ash lagoons are as well contaminated. The lagoon contains pollutants such as cancer-causing hexavalent chromium. Many citizens nearby have expressed concerns about the impact of the coal. A recent bill that was established by North Carolina would require the removal of all the coal.

The amount of gallons that have entered the river I think is too much. This should have been stopped a long time ago. The main reason that this should have been stopped is because thousands of residents depend on this water. The fact that the lagoon has cancer causing chemicals is also harmful. I think the Southern Environmental Law Center made a wise choice in filing a lawsuit. The best thing to do is remove all pollutants in the water. With this being done people will be able to drink water again without worry

One thought on “Problems in Duke

  1. Hi Olivia!

    I found your article very intriguing and was actually surprised that Duke energy would allow such contamination. I agree with you in that the amount of gallons that have entered the river is WAY too much and definitely should have been regulated/stopped before it became such a problem, but when you said, “The best thing to do is remove all pollutants in the water,” how do you think they should do that? If it was that simple, then why didn’t Duke Energy do that before the lawsuit? Why do you think they were contaminating the lagoons in the first place? It would’ve avoided a lawsuit for sure.

    Thank you for your research!

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