Solar energy in rainy Seattle?

Roach, John. “Home Solar Panels Make Gains in America, Even in Rainy Seattle – NBC News.”

NBC News. N.p., 4 Aug. 2014. Web. 16 Sept. 2014. Retrieved September 13, 2014, from


Solar energy is expanding everywhere and fast. Seattle, being known for its rainy weather, has invested in solar energy. Though, the solar panels can be pricey, people managed to put solar panels on their home roofs to try and minimize their utility bill. These Seattle homeowners are encouraging everyone across America to invest in solar panels because in the long run it will be very beneficial to them. One might say, “really? solar panels in rainy Seattle that’s ludicrous.” Yes there is sun in Seattle, and all that sun can be absorbed from the solar panels. It has been said that 54% of solar installation will increase in 2015 by the Solar Energy Industries Association. This percentage is increasing by the years.

This Article shows how many people, even in rainy cities, are investing in solar energy for their homes. Many people are saving money by using solar panels; they are saving a lot on their utility bill. The increasing percentage of solar installation by the years is increasing rapidly. This is a good sign because it shows that people want to help out their environment. Solar energy helps out the environment a lot; there’s no need for other effective ways to get energy other than solar energy. It is amazing to know that there are people who care and want a better future for their environment.

One thought on “Solar energy in rainy Seattle?

  1. Solar Energy in my opinion is one of the best investments you can make, and it’s optimally the better choice in the long run. Although many people don’t want to pay the money now, others are realizing that it is actually saving them money as time goes by. I wonder how high the percentage of people that invest in solar panels will go up in the next year.

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