Clean, Safe, Renewable. Why Not?

Associated Press. “University of California Signs Major Solar Deal.”Washington Post. The

Washington Post, 8 Sept. 2014. Web. 16 Sept. 2014. Retrieved September 13, 2014, from


The University of California has made one of the largest solar energy purchases by a university system in the entire United States. This solar energy project will provide enough solar power to offset the electricity use at five of the state’s 10 campuses, as well as some university medical centers. A San Mateo solar energy company will provide 80 megawatts in solar energy to the university campuses. The university schools have set a goal to be carbon-neutral across the California system by 2025.


This article shows how many universities in California want to improve the environment throughout California. This also shows how hard the university students have worked in order for this deal to be signed. I would say the students throughout California that are majoring in Environmental issues or Environmental Science at universities are the ones that have a big affect on this deal. I would say this is an excellent deal that has been signed; it manages the utility bill at universities very well. This is a very effective and innovative bill that has been signed for our future because it helps the environment in many ways; one being, the amount of energy used throughout the entire United States. We know that renewable resources is the way to go when it comes to getting energy.


One thought on “Clean, Safe, Renewable. Why Not?

  1. I’m with you sir. Always heartening to see CA taking the lead on alternative energy. I think you are right to suggest that the UC students had something to do with it too. We all know that alt energy holds promise and to me, solar seems like a no brainer. But with rising UC tuition costs, can we justify potentially higher energy bills with solar? What do you think?

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