We are drinking California Dry

Lurie, Julia. (2014 August 11). Bottled Water Comes From the Most Drought-Ridden Places in the Country. Environment: Mother Jones.

Retrieved August 15, 2014 from



Majority of bottled water comes from California. California is currently experiencing a devastating drought. Arrowhead, Aquafina, Crystal Geyser, and Dasani are getting their water straight from California. The author raises the question of why are these major companies getting their water from a state going through its third driest year on record. One reason is that California is where the companies are located and work out off. Another reason is that California does not have groundwater use. However, the author states that we are practically drinking California dry.


This article immediately reminded me of the Lorax story. Major businesses are impacting an environment in a negative way. However, are they the ones really at fault or is it us citizens. We are the ones contributing to the companies’ profits and encouraging their growth. This article inspired me to do everything I can to not contribute to our drought and to do research on companies about their environmental approach before buying.








4 thoughts on “We are drinking California Dry

  1. Really great take on this. When you think about it, those companies are exporting CA water… which is by all definitions, a common resource. Talk about the tragedy. But, without the consumer, these businesses would be doing something else. Fascinating situation. What would the Lorax say? What should our governor be saying?

  2. The California drought is a very critical topic and I believe that these companies are turning for the worse this situation. Our circumstances are already delicate and believe something should be done for this crucial problem. What do you think can be done to conserve water?

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