George Washington is under Attack!

Gabriel, T. (2014, November 18). In Compromise Plan, Limited Fracking Is Approved for National Forest in Virginia. Retrieved on November 23, 2014 from /2014/11/19/us/us-backs-limited-use-of-oil-drilling-technique-in-national-forest-compromise.html?_r=0

In Charlottesville, Virginia in the George Washington National Forest fracking is being aloud. This compromise only allows the drilling companies to frack or drill on 10,000 acres of the land, roughly 10% of the forest. Since this land is a National Forest, not a National Park industrial development is welcomed but cautiously monitored. Both activists and members of large oil companies were in agreement of this compromise, and felt that it was a victory.

This National Forest is dangerously close to the Marcellus Shale formation, where there has been a great amount of drilling previous to this compromise. Also, the streams and rivers in the George Washington National Forest provide drinking water for over three million people. An oil spill or contamination of the water could prove to be fatal to those in the surrounding areas.

One thought on “George Washington is under Attack!

  1. How interesting. And as you know, it’s the distinction between a Nat. Forest and a National Park that allows this. What would George say about this? This is the epitome of env. science… and then throw in the drinking water situation. Great find Grace. Seems like a risky venture to me.

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