
Nuwer, Rachel. “Are There Any Pollution-free Places Left on Earth?” BBC Future. N.p., 4 Nov. 2014. Web. 23 Nov. 2014.


One thing that some may not know is that air pollution also affects water. However, pollution from land is the main contaminant for freshwater resource. Chemicals, waste, and fertilizers go into groundwater draining to the ocean. This all leads to dead zones. Dead zones is when, “ nutrient loads from land cause massive microbial blooms, which in turn deplete the water of oxygen.”  This can be found all around the world today. One example of dumping pollutants into bodies of water is in Mexico City. They pump all of their liquid refuse into the Mezquital Valley.

I was not aware that air pollution highly affected water pollution as well. One thing that can be done to reduce pollution is limit the amount of chemicals used around the world. Also, the biggest change that can be done to reduce water pollution is the use of fertilizers. Many farmers use fertilizers such as pesticides that are later drained to rivers and lakes then going to oceans. Other options instead of fertilizers is having farms be organic. Organic farms do not really use pesticides or fertilizers in general.

2 thoughts on “Effects

  1. Very interesting! I also didn’t know air pollution affected water pollution. My topic is eutrophication. Farmers that use immense amounts of fertilizers affect nearby water bodies because the fertilizers get into the water create algae blooms.

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