Fracking Dilemma

Arenschield, L. (2014, November 21). Fracking industry suing over drilling bans. Retrieved November 24, 2014, from

With fracking in the United States becoming increasingly more controversial, there is a question that continues to be an issue. That is, who ultimately gets to decide where fracking can happen. The Ohio legislature made it apparent that the state deals with this, not local governments. In turn, this can create problems for places feeling the side effects of drilling oil more so than others.

This article demonstrates the issue behind the controversy. Residents argue their right to prohibit fracking in their community. They state their right to local self government, and the right to clean resources. At the same time, it is a major problem for state legislatures to decide who gets to have the last say in the issue. It makes sense that it is the state rather than local governments-the same is applied with issues like immigration.

One thought on “Fracking Dilemma

  1. You can only imagine this is controversial. Locals not having control over something that potentially threatens their drinking water. That makes people angry, and rightfully so. Interesting situation… of course we have the same thing happening here in CA.

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