Waste Isolation Pilot Plant(WIPP) Nuclear Waste Center

Associated press. (2014, December 6). Mishaps at nuke repository lead to $54M in fines. Retrieved December 8, 2014, from http://www.washingtonpost.com/national/mishahttp://www.washingtonpost.com/national/mishaps-at-ps-at-nuke-repository-lead-to-54m-in-fines/2014/12/06/1e835448-7d68-11e4-8241-8cc0a3670239_story.html

 A few days ago the Washington post along with the associated press wrote this article on the New Mexico nuclear waste facility. The article talked about some violations that the plant had committed, so the Department of Energy along with the state are now going to sanction the waste isolation pilot plant (WIPP) for $54 million dollars. The US government is finding WIPP because they failed to comply with the handling and processing and did not advise the regulators of the changes they were implementing, this cost them about $36.6 millions dollars. The second major violation was there dumping violation in which the state is sanctioning WIPP $17 million dollars. These types of accusations and fines are some of the things that are leading to debates on whether to keep WIPP open, which is up to the state government and the Department of Energy.

These types of things have occured way too many times and its good to know that the US Department of Energy as well as the state are following up and sanctioning these places. Many disastrous events have happened because the safety committees never check up on these facilities but this time I feel that they did a good job keeping up with. Although I don’t believe they should begin to question whether to keep the plant open, they should sanction them, especially because it is a nuclear waste facility. If the government began to put rules like this on food and other source that americans use the US would be a safer place. This is relevant to nuclear power because after were done with the nuclear rods we have to send them and put them somewhere safe and efficient.


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