Fracking in Russia could cool political climates

Unpopular European Fracking Could Provide Independence From Russia September 7th, 2014

Hydraulic Fracturing, though profitable, has more than one negative effect on the environment. In addition to polluting water and soil deposits, fracking can also instigate earthquakes. The Chinese have been doing everything that they can do join the shale gas revolution, including drilling on China’s earthquake hot bed. The hot bed is located in the Sichuan region, where in 2008, 70,000 people died in a tragic earthquake. China hopes to boost annual shale production to 6.5 billion cubic meters before 2015. Additionally, Europes largest oil company has announced their plan to invest $1 billion per year in the Chinese shale gas industry.


Drilling in the mountains where Asia and India meet, could definitely increase the number of tremors in the highly-sensitive area. Earthquakes are somewhat common in Mainland China and hydraulic fracturing will only make it worse. Is it a multi-billion dollar industry, but is it worth jeopardizing the welfare of the Chinese people and the environment. China is already in an extremely hazardous levels in the air and water.

One thought on “Fracking in Russia could cool political climates

  1. Very interesting and relevant article. I personally do not feel it is worth jepordizing the welfare of the workers and the environment. As I know from my air pollution topic, China is already in a very poor position and this could set them further back.

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