Thousands of Children Could Be Drinking Lead-Tainted Water Years After NBC4 Exposed the Problem.

7 years ago an NBC4 team discovered that Los-Angeles area schools were offering contaminated drinking water. Today, the schools have not fixed the problem of having too much lead in their water. Parents are pushing for the schools to fix the issue immediately.

This is relevant because it makes me wonder if M-A has clean drinking water. It also makes me wonder how often local schools have their water checked for toxins. If any local school has gone years without a checkup, I would want one sooner rather than later. The thought of drinking contaminated water is scary. It is surprising that the schools have not fixed this problem sooner as the students’ safety should be a top priority.

4 thoughts on “Thousands of Children Could Be Drinking Lead-Tainted Water Years After NBC4 Exposed the Problem.

  1. This is very interesting. I believe MA probably does have clean drinking water, but I’m sure there are a lot more schools that have a similar problem as that school in LA. Do you know if the houses around that area have clean drinking water? Why does the school water contain lead? Do you know where the source of contamination is?

  2. Having personally visited Los Angeles recently, I can attest to the quite disgusting and clearly contaminated drinking water. I think that we should find a way to clean up the water in southern california.

  3. Interesting idea that raises lots of speculation. Having visited states such as Arizona I know what bad water tastes like. I feel like MA has safe drinking water but I would not be shocked to hear otherwise.

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