Overseas Airs affecting California’s Pollution

Increasing emissions from China and other fast-growing Asian countries are rapidly traveling across the Pacific Ocean and increasing levels of ozone in the California as well as other Western States according to a recently completed study. In a weeks’ time, winds carry ozone formed by emissions Asia to the U.S. where it adds to pollution and smog. Carmel Valley, which scientists say should have extremely clean air have found pollution on their boarders. Three other cities affected by these access emissions are Bakersfield, Fresno and Los Angeles.


This study did not shock me as I have previously looked into how terrible China’s contributions to air pollution across the globe is, however China should be punished for their air affecting cities across the world from them. It is not fair to Californian’s that we have to breathe the polluted air being created half way across the globe. While China is attempting to decease their emissions substantially, I think they should have to pay money for their lack of control on the important issue of air quality.


3 thoughts on “Overseas Airs affecting California’s Pollution

  1. I agree, that China should take responsibility for their pollution because it is affecting other people around the world. Do you think the best solution would be monetary or a reduction in emissions?

  2. This is just further reiterating the fact that pollution and the climate are global problems that we need to address as a united front.

  3. I think we should implement laws to regulate China’s air. It is crazy how something so far away is affecting our air.

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