Algae Bloom Effects Felt Across Globe

Dey, Esha. (2015, August 10). A Huge Algae Bloom Off the Pacific Coast Is Poisoning Shellfish and Sea Lions | VICE News. Retrieved August 21, 2015, from


Recently, along the Pacific of the United States detrimental algal blooms have grown immensely. This growth in algae population is believed to be a direct effect of global climate change. The rise in average ocean temperature worldwide has created a much more favorable and suitable habitat for the harmful algae to grow and populate. Other climate impacts such as a rise in carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, sea level, and changes in salinity and rainfall all positively influence growth of the algae. This toxic algae is bad new because it negatively affects human health and will hinder the U.S. economy along the coast. Furthermore, it is poisoning many sea lions and shellfish that dwell along the Pacific coast.

Again, this article exemplifies how influential global climate change is upon the Earth. Extensive knowledge in environmental science is vital to curb the increase in the unwanted algal population. I was drawn to this article because I find it very interesting how similar this situation is to the one with the mosquitoes in Hawaii. It is important for everyone to become exposed to news and instances like these because much of the global population is unaware of how much our actions greatly affect the environment and other populations. I now realize that one major effect of global climate change is the warming climate is providing a much more suitable environment for unwanted and foreign species that lead to the downfall of the native species.

3 thoughts on “Algae Bloom Effects Felt Across Globe

  1. This is a difficult situation because it is hard to directly blame a certain group of people for these blooms, however it is really important to figure out a way to control them to save the ecosystems that are being harmed by the algae.

  2. Thank you for bringing this to our attention Lucas. It’s quite sad how news such as this goes under the radar, when really everyone should be informed because what you said, it was human created due to global climate change. I can’t wait to tell my climate change denying relatives about this at Thanksgiving (:

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