Grizzly: Endangered?

Jones, Terry L. “After the Grizzly: Endangered Species and the Politics of Place in California.” International Journal of Environmental Studies. N.p., 11 March 2015. Web. 15 July 2015.


In California there are five endangered species that environmental historian, Peter Alagona, as found. The five species are the grizzly bear, California condor, Mojave Desert tortoise, San Joaquin kit fox, and the delta smelt. Although listed before as endangered, the grizzly bear is actually extinct from California while the other four still remain endangered. It has been found that the grizzly went extinct in 1925 when habitat conservation efforts were just getting started.


This article is showing the impact of society on nature and the environment. The grizzly, being the poster child for extinction in California, gets the most attention about endangered species. Although, many don’t know that a lot of other species are becoming endangered because of humans and our industrialization. We, as a society, are killing our planet in many ways one of which is animal extinction and as one scientist said; once something goes extinct we can never bring it back. It is uncanny that the government has not tried hard enough to make sure other animals do not go extinct.

One thought on “Grizzly: Endangered?

  1. I agree with your sentiments on this. The fact that the Grizzly is our state animal, on our flag and is extinct says it all- any symbolism there? One question for you with that animal though, should we be thinking about reintroducing it here like we did with the wolves in Yellowstone? Also, just for you to know, there definitely more than 5 end. species in CA (did the article imply there were only 5?)

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