Earth Enters its Sixth Mass Extinction

Kaplan, S. Earth is on brink of a sixth mass extinction, scientists say, and it’s humans’ fault. Retrieved August 23, 2015.

Scientists say that human activity has caused earth to enter its sixth mass extinction. Extinction rates of mammals have increased by 20 to 100 times. In the past 115 years alone, at least 69 species of mammals and 400 types of vertebrates have gone extinct. This major decrease in biodiversity could lead to an even greater catastrophic impact on ecological communities in the future.

Environmental science takes account of the interactions between humans and the natural environment. In this article, it is apparent that humans have depleted their natural resources so drastically that their actions are equivalent to the five cataclysmic events that have completely annihilated earlier cycles of prehistoric life. The current preservation of the environment is dependent on human behavior that respects the natural balance.

3 thoughts on “Earth Enters its Sixth Mass Extinction

  1. I enjoyed your article because animal extinction is an issue that is overlooked in today’s society and does not get enough attention. Hopefully humans can become more aware of their impact on other species.

  2. I like this article because it points to the possibility of humans being included in the sixth mass extinction. Hopefully we will not be, and can refrain from other animal’s extinction, but it is important to be aware of the possibility.

  3. Thanks for showing interest in my post Carolyn and Diana. I agree that it is important to consider human involvement in the sixth mass extinction.

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