Endangered Species Act


“These Animals Prove The Endangered Species Act Really Does Work”. The Huffington Post. Feb. 8 2014. Web. Aug. 15 2015. <http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/02/08/endangered-species-act-successful_n_4740535.html>


This article is about how the endangered species act has been saving plants and animals for over 40 years. But certain species can gain protection if they are under certain classifications. It depends how endangered they are or threatened. When the animals are under the USFWS law it is illegal to do trade among those animals.


There is much controversy among the topic of the Endangered Species Act. Republicans call for an overhaul for this act because they say that citizens in the states should have a say on animal boarders, but an overhaul is unlikely so people might keep on mating animals to keep critically endangered species alive and thriving.


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