Endangered Species and the Drought

Matthews, K. (2015, August 15). 4 Endangered Animals Affected by the Drought. Retrieved August 17, 2015, from http://www.care2.com/causes/4-endangered-animals-affected-by-the-drought.html


In this article, the author talks about how the drought has affected wetland creatures. The drought in California has dried up small ponds that endangered species like the Tiger Salamander depend on as a home. Many dryland creatures also depend on the water from small ponds to keep themselves hydrated but die from dehydration because of the drought.


The drought is not something a person could easily fix making this a hard issue to solve. Although we can not solve the drought issue immediately, there is a possibility to send a community or group to rescue endangered species and provide new homes for them to thrive and increase their population.


3 thoughts on “Endangered Species and the Drought

  1. Interesting article, but not so surprising. The drought wouldn’t have nearly the impact on wildlife, if humans weren’t siphoning so much water out as it is. Did the article mention anything about that? Or if any efforts were going towards helping the Tiger Salamander out?

  2. It is something we can try to alleviate because there are things we can do as citizens of CA, like reducing amount of water used. There are many organisms that depend on the water and we should not be the only ones using it because other organisms need it to survive also.

  3. It is important to remember that the drought affects all organisms not just humans. This makes it even more important to help conserve water and not waste it because many organisms are severely affected by the drought.

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