Oil Fracking Effect on Environment

Street, Chriss. “California State Study Finds No Evidence Fracking Hurts Environment – Breitbart.” Breitbart. Breitbart, 15 July 2015. Web. 23 Aug. 2015.



The final version of a study reported that there is no “science-based evidence” that fracking hurts the environment. With a wide variety of information on hydraulic fracturing and acid stimulation in the state, it was fond that no evidence was found that the chemicals used in hydraulic fracturing have harmed the environment. Fracking has also not contaminated ground water, is not likely to cause earthquakes, and does not produce a lot of pollution compared to other sources according to the study. The amount of water used is small as well. Fracking may actually cut water use according to the study because far more water was used in the past for the same reasons. The state of California might be on the cusp of an oil fracking boom.


This article is discouraging towards many people in California who are against fracking because it essentially gives companies the go-ahead signal and makes everyone believe that oil fracking is not harmful to the environment. This is simply not true because digging down into the Earth to take out oil is harmful to the environment in many ways. Firstly, it takes away some space on the surface for animals to live and harms their environment which needs to be taken over by humans overseeing the project. Also, the loss of oil from the Earth means that we are using it for something and often times that means we are releasing toxic chemicals into the air.  Any form of pollution is bad pollution and using water that could be animals drinking water on these projects is even worse. I am disappointed that the study stated that there was no harm to the environment from fracking because it just encourages the use of the resource oil which is eventually going to completely disappear from Earth and change our environment in a bad way.

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