Ivory Coast Tries Ecotourism to Save Chimpanzees (ecotourism #1)

Ivory Coast Tries Ecotourism to Save Chimpanzees. (2014, May 3). Retrieved August 11, 2015, from http://www.nytimes.com/aponline/2014/05/03/world/africa/ap-af-ivory-coast-chimpanzees.html

In the Tai National Park in the Ivory Coast are trying to use ecotourism to save the chimpanzees. In the article the director of West Africa’s Wild Chimpanzee Foundation said, “Through ecotourism, local people gain something. They see the value of the forest…and they will preserve it.” Which means the more tourists that can come visit the chimpanzees the higher chimpanzee population will be. Environmental degradation is an issue facing the Ivory Coast, which is affecting the Chimpanzee and causing them to die. The wild life’s area to roam and live has been decreasing over time as people are burning down the forest to convert them into fields, violence near the Tai National Park, and people are illegally hunting chimpanzees. In the end, the Tai National Park hopes for more tourists to come visit in order to increase the lifespan and population of the chimpanzee.

This article demonstrates the importance of tourism and how it can impact the world. These chimpanzees rely on people coming to see them if they want to live longer and expand. Tourism to the Ivory Coast will not only help the chimpanzees but also those who live there as it will bring a new source of income. Over the years more and more tourists have visited the island however, it is still not that many people because it the Ivory Coast isn’t considered the safest place to be. Ecotourism is a key part to helping endangered species stay alive.

3 thoughts on “Ivory Coast Tries Ecotourism to Save Chimpanzees (ecotourism #1)

  1. This is really interesting how you can directly see how tourism is helping the environment, but with more and more people visiting, wouldn’t more infrastructure (like hotels) be required to meet the demands and in turn, wouldn’t that destroy the environment? Overall though, I think the efforts are better than nothing and are definitely raising awareness and helping out the chimps.

  2. This is really interesting how you can directly see the benefit of tourism, but as more and more people start to visit, wouldn’t more infrastructure (like hotels) be needed, and in turn, wouldn’t that destroy the environment? Overall though, I think it is a good effort to raise awareness and help the chimps.

  3. I liked the insights about how ecotourism could benefit both the chimpanzees and the people who live in the Ivory Coast. I wonder how many people visit the park a year and how many more it would take to provide optimal funds for the chimpanzees?

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