Google Powered by Wind Energy

Vijayan, J. (2015, February 11). Wind Energy to Power Google’s California HQ. Retrieved November 20, 2015, from

This article is about the technology company Google’s Headquarters in Mountain View, California. The article says that, “Google has entered into a long-term agreement with NextEra Energy Resources under which the Bay Area wind farm will supply enough wind energy to power Google’s North Bayshore headquarters on an annual basis.” This does not come as a large surprise, seeing as Google has always been very forward-thinking and tries to use as much clean energy as possible. Part of this agreement states that NextEra will install new wind turbines in California’s Altamont pass, in 2016.

This is very important for environmental science, because Google is one of the biggest companies in the world, and if they were not using renewable energy such as wind energy, then there would be much more pollution in the world. They also set a good example for other large companies that could follow Google’s steps to continue to decrease California’s carbon footprint.

8 thoughts on “Google Powered by Wind Energy

  1. This is sweet how Google has now become heavily dependent on clean energy. Google is always keeping up with modern times and finding ways to decrease its carbon footprint, something the customers and I really respect. How much is Google depending on this wind energy?

  2. I think it is great that google is coming up with different ways to use clean and dependent energy. I can imagine how much energy it takes to run google every day and by using the wind they will be significantly decreasing the demand on energy in their area.

  3. This is very important because Google is a very big company. This can make more people aware that they are doing this and more people can help the environment. This is a good look for Google.

  4. It is great that a big company like google is taking a step into cleaner energy. Do you think that other companies will follow them in the path of cleaner energy?

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