Overfishing Phase: California

Isakowitz, Lucas. “What Are the Fish Telling Us.” What Are the Fish Telling Us. Fusion, Oct. 2015. Web. 18 Nov. 2015.

This interactive webpage uses Pacific salmon, specifically in California, to convey to the readers that overfishing is as bad as it has ever been. The webpage includes videos, charts and graphs, interactive illustrations, and coherent analysis of those listed before. It’s main focus is to shine light on the amount of farmed salmon we eat.

Again, as an angler affected by shorter salmon seasons and regulations, this webpage applies to me. This page puts a lot of emphasis on the fact that we have really destroyed the lifestyle and populations of wild salmon everywhere except Alaska. Especially in California, as explained by the article, damming has made salmon spawning almost impossible. It also describes the effect overfishing has had on our diets. Farmed salmon, generally, is less healthy for humans and contains more fat than wild caught salmon. This is directly linked to the overfished populations of wild salmon quickly becoming less abundant. There is upside however, and it goes into thriving populations in Alaska, and the changes they have made that California could theoretically implement.


2 thoughts on “Overfishing Phase: California

  1. I didn’t realize you were an avid angler Ryan. Cool… as long as your not using driftnets. It give me American pride to know that Alaska seems to have started to figure out how to manage their fisheries sustainably… at no small cost. But then again, the stakes are very high. Do think farmed salmon has a chance to offset wild salmon catches? Or is it inherently doomed as an aquatic CAFO?

  2. I think that it is hard to manage fishery when there is a high demand for fish. It would be nice to say that there are plenty of fish to live off of, but unfortunately, that is a dream that can not come true because of the negatives that would happen if fisheries were shut down or continued there business.

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