Adopt A Topic Phase II: Part V

Shin, E. (2015, October 23). Research finds that solar energy development can harm biodiversity, agriculture | The Daily Californian. Retrieved November 22, 2015, from


In a somewhat ironic twist, this article points out the harmful effects of solar power on biodiversity in California. While most believe solar power is the cleanest and safest form of energy possible, the placement of our solar panel systems has had adverse effects on the surrounding ecosystem. Many of these systems are erected close to agricultural and protected areas, which has gone against the policy of finding “compatible” locations for them (according to the article, only 15% of the systems are in compatible areas).


I think this is a really interesting article for many reasons. In a way it is saddening to see that many of these solar companies have little to no regard for the surrounding environment, despite running a business that has the purpose of conservation. It is important that we make sure that solar power companies are not given a pass for their actions because of the nature of their business, because we cannot throw biodiversity to the side just to conserve resources.


One thought on “Adopt A Topic Phase II: Part V

  1. Didn’t know that solar power could have negative effects on the environment, I’m really glad that I’m now learning about that. I agree it’s pretty sad that a form of energy production originally meant to help save the environment and provide clean, renewable energy is actually causing harm. I supposed in a sense it’s bound to happen once means of production become popularized enough that companies see it as a way to make money rather than invest in positive change. Hopefully we can get back and stay on the right track when it comes to “clean energy” and understand that the environment needs to come first.

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