Managing Food Waste Issues Around the World

Aubrey, A. (2015, October 8). It’s Time To Get Serious About Reducing Food Waste, Feds Say.                                     Retrieved November 20, 2015, from

Food waste is a gigantic problem globally, and the U.S. Department of Agriculture and Environmental Protection Agency and other smaller companies have challenged countries to reduce their food waste by 50%. The agency has also called out that the sole consumer is not the main waste creator but also the distributors like restaurants and grocery stores are. To aid the restaurants and grocery stores to limit their waste, the Food Recovery Challenge is helping them donate their food waste. EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) also encourages state governments to make laws  to help reduce waste, for example, “ Seattle now fines homeowners for not sorting their garbage. And Massachusetts has implemented a food waste ban for certain institutions” (Aubrey, 2015).

This article demonstrated that the US government is promoting a positive message about reducing waste and encourages the world to join them on cutting their food waste by 50%. The EPA’s food waste campaign illustrates environmental science importance because of its goal and education to countries and organizations about how to reduce food waste.


5 thoughts on “Managing Food Waste Issues Around the World

  1. It is great to hear that the U.S. is regulating food waste and even putting restrictions on some states to reduce waste. Regulating restaurants and grocery stores would be beneficial considering they often waste large amounts of food that could be thrown away more efficiently.

  2. I am so happy that as a nation we are tackling the waste we are creating. Restaurants have such large serving sizes, but even more waste from over producing food so by restricting their waste we are working towards a more sustainable future where we are not wasting the food we could be using.

  3. I think it is great that the United States is encouraging ways of disposing of solid wastes in a healthy manner that doesn’t cause huge negative impacts towards the environment. The US should be continuing to set these examples as an important world power.

  4. I am really glad that we are taking responsibility for the waste we create. It is rewarding to see that people are searching for solutions to the current problem. However, that does not reduce the importance and threat of the garbage problem in the US.

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